Leclerc has fallen way back from Hamilton, Oscar has to get him quickly.
WHAT A MOVE!!! Far out how good is this kid going to be.
Over 5 seconds to Hamilton, 9 to Russell...but he is flying.
Damn Pieman lost a second or so fighting Leclerc unfortunately
Mercedes will be smart. They'll keep Lewis close to tow Russell along surely.
Despite their best efforts Ricciardo into the points again!
Ok so I think the win is gone but can Oscar get George.
Awful race for Perez really considering he started front row.

Ricciardo definitely the best of the 3 'contenders' currently in the field.
Awful race for Perez really considering he started front row.

Ricciardo definitely the best of the 3 'contenders' currently in the field.

Good timing to do this despite terrible team orders.
For the sake of the WDC I'd love Norris to get past Max
Well...Pieman is coming back at Hamilton again...there is enough time here.
Well wow, Pieman is coming back here.
Wow wow wow, what a finish this is looking to be.