Four Nations Week 1

Maybe the selectors ought to pay more attention to the last 8 years rather than picking a team full nsw dickheads. Always the way, whenever nsw dominates the test team the kangaroos go badly....
I don't know if its just me but it seems to me that Sheens has picked a completely imbalanced teams, with a lot of people in the wrong positions and people who should be in the team that are not.
Go the Kangablues!! Can't wait to read the Daily Toilet Paper next week if we lose!!
This game is over.

Congrats Kiwis, good win. You won't win the comp, though.
Yeah Australia need to settle the play, they're trying to hard to make something.
We aren't getting the rub of the green but it happens. Very poor quality game and easily the worst Aussie team in some time, they need the rub of the green.
Because he is a strong, hard and never takes a backward who also always plays at his best in rep level. He is also the best player in a crap team.

He's a fucking coward who has never down anything at origin level