Game III Live-Chat

Thanks ref, this has a Cronulla feel about it.
Try time! Well earned try there by Dugan he's played strong tonight.
The penalty with Bird is where the lack of consistency occurs between origin and the NRL. IMO it was a fair penalty for raising the elbow. However raising the elbow has occurred multiple times in the NRL this year without being penalised. Had Bird not been injured, it would never have been penalised.
Well that was played at, inconsistency by the ref again.
Jesus! How biased is Joey? At least Wally gives credit to the Blues when it's due.
You can't tell that Ray Warren is going for the Blues. [End sarcasm]
Smith had a point, watch Woods' elbow every run.
Hodges kicks it, not played at. Comes off Thaiday's face in the process of tackling, he played at it. Haha