Game III Queensland Origin team

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Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I think Papalii has got to be in the 2nd row. He's so damaging there, and it's all wasted in the front row. I'd consider moving Gillett to lock if they want to keep Cooper, would strengthen our front row rotation with McGuire back there, and could allow Hess to come off the bench on the edge.

Glasby...well, can you really pick him again after he almost cost us the game? It was disgraceful defence from him.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
1. Billy Slater
2. Valentine Holmes
3. Darius Boyd
4. Will Chambers
5. Dane Gagai
6. Michael Morgan
7. Cooper Cronk
8. Dylan Napa
9. Cameron Smith (c)
10. Jarrod Wallace
11. Sam Thaiday
12. Matt Gillett
13. Josh McGuire

14. Cameron Munster/Ben Hunt/Daly Cherry-Evans
15. Josh Papalii
16. Coen Hess
17. Tim Glasby

I really can't see any positive news for Thurston. His shoulder was fucked, you could see it after every pass, after every tackle, when he was standing in the defensive line with the right arm limp down the side of his body.

So because of that, Morgan takes the 5/8 spot due to Milford being injured. Cooper, who let's face it was only picked because of his combination with Thurston, is dropped and Thaiday regains his spot.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
If Thurston can't make it...

1- Slater
2- Holmes
3- Boyd
4- Chambers
5- Gagai
6- Morgan
7- Cronk
8- Napa
9- Smith
10- Wallace
11- Cooper
12- Gillett
13- McGuire

14- Munster
15- Papalii (Kaufusi if Papalii is still down on whatever issue he has)
16- Hess
17- Glasby (Sims might get a look in)

If it was up to me...

1- Slater
2- Oates
3- Boyd
4- Chambers
5- Gagai
6- Munster
7- Cronk
8- Napa
9- Smith
10- McGuire
11- Cooper
12- Kaufusi
13- Gillett

14- Morgan
15- Hess
16- Papalii
17- Wallace


QCup Player
May 21, 2016
If Thurston can't make it...

1- Slater
2- Holmes
3- Boyd
4- Chambers
5- Gagai
6- Morgan
7- Cronk
8- Napa
9- Smith
10- Wallace
11- Cooper
12- Gillett
13- McGuire

14- Munster
15- Papalii (Kaufusi if Papalii is still down on whatever issue he has)
16- Hess
17- Glasby (Sims might get a look in)

If it was up to me...

1- Slater
2- Oates
3- Boyd
4- Chambers
5- Gagai
6- Munster
7- Cronk
8- Napa
9- Smith
10- McGuire
11- Cooper
12- Kaufusi
13- Gillett

14- Morgan
15- Hess
16- Papalii
17- Wallace

Like the team but would start Papalii for 20 and swap with Kaufausi.
Cooper was immense. Need to strengthen prop rotation so Gillo makes sense at Lock. Glasby improved but his initial mistakes were unforgivable and can't afford a second go for game three. Like Munster over Morgan to start if JT injured. Have to stop bringing Morgan on at 30 minutes. Adds nothing that early. Maybe around 55 minutes to capitalise on fatigue. Holmes was abysmal. A blade of grass from bombing a try, dropped ball and returns were worse than useless. Put QLD on backfoot for next 3 tackles. Has to be fired ... preferably out of a canon back to his mouth breathing Sharks. Reapply in 2 years when lives up to his hype. Oates deserves to be fuming hope he uses it as motivation and comes out this weekend and obliterates the raiders.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
I think Papalii has got to be in the 2nd row. He's so damaging there, and it's all wasted in the front row. I'd consider moving Gillett to lock if they want to keep Cooper, would strengthen our front row rotation with McGuire back there, and could allow Hess to come off the bench on the edge.

Glasby...well, can you really pick him again after he almost cost us the game? It was disgraceful defence from him.

NSW deliberately attacked Glasby . Glasby at marker out - in play will wrong foot him . It worked twice then they shelved it . Joey Johns was flabbergasted with their direction in attack .Out - in ball is cutting up the middle . Thurston has one arm . But play away from that .

It was so sweet to see Joey and Phil wringing their hands at the missed opportunity to pour on the compliments about NSW and their new era .

Qld centres were outstanding in attack . Boyd , Chambers and Morgan all offloaded close to the line for tries .
The 1st try I didn`t even see the pass . Saw Darius fall to the ground and thought well NSW shut that out . Next thing Holmes is diving in the corner .

re Gagai the kid is an awesome competitor .


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
If Thurston is out, Morgan to start and Oates recalled to the bench.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
probably a bigger one than Morgan has this series (or Munster would)

he can cover for the backs in the event of injury, and can play in the backrow rotation as another big body and meter eater


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
Andrew Fifita 16 hitups for 93 metres. We did a number on him and the scoreboard showed


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Andrew Fifita 16 hitups for 93 metres. We did a number on him and the scoreboard showed

The prick only ran sideways and his play the balls are bs touch footy style


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
That second team from @Porthoz is perfect, sign me up for that one, it is like you read my mind bro.


NRL Captain
Sep 27, 2016
probably a bigger one than Morgan has this series (or Munster would)

he can cover for the backs in the event of injury, and can play in the backrow rotation as another big body and meter eater
They won't pick someone just to cover for an injury that may not happen. Or to play in a position that he has hardly ever played in the club comp. He is not a utility type player. The Broncos need him more anyways.
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
They won't pick someone just to cover for an injury that may not happen. Or to play in a position that he has hardly ever played in the club comp. He is not a utility type player. The Broncos need him more anyways.

Can play backs and fowards, that's a utility type player. And anyway Morgan plays in the forwards when he comes on when knowone gets injured and Oates would do a better job.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2017
Oates gets gassed playing on the wing. No way they are going to play him in the forwards. I would want to see him tackle some big men for set after set before throwing him in that. Morgan was great in the middle while he was there. Strong defensively


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Oates gets gassed playing on the wing. No way they are going to play him in the forwards. I would want to see him tackle some big men for set after set before throwing him in that. Morgan was great in the middle while he was there. Strong defensively

This is only if Thurston is out, in which case Morgan would play 5/8


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
FB IMG 1498093846380


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2017
This is only if Thurston is out, in which case Morgan would play 5/8

I know it would be a big gamble for a decider but I would put munster in 5/8th. It would be the storm spine so he should fit right in plus he is tough as nails. It wont matter JT will play imo
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