Gold Coast Titans Discussion

Ya know the Titans have them r own fan forum yeah?
Yes I do. Apologies if you don't agree with the thread. I was against making one but was informed you 'wouldn't bat an eyelid' if it was in the Rugby League section as it is what it is for. There is a lot of it going on in the Fifita thread as it is so I don't see how possibly removing that from the actual Bronco's section is a problem. Broncos4life sorry for the inconvenience but there are fans keen on seeing other QLD teams do well as well and would like to hear some insight without having to go over to the Titans forum. This was for those sort of fans so if ignoring me removes the issue for you go ahead.
Lol, a Titans thread..
We are in the worst season of our history and still on the same points as the Titans, with all that separates the two teams being +/-.
Countless ex-broncos on big money at the Tits and the only half decent one has been Arrow, who is packing up and leaving anyway.
Yep, massive congrats on the Fifita singing. Keep rolling out the 'he isn't there for the money', but just remember he rejected (from memory) 2 offers, 900k and 1.1m?
At 1.25m a year, I think anyone would go to the Tits, I know I sure would.
I reckon the Tits should go after Milf, would compliment Taylor nicely in the halves I would think.
I have never personally said he isn't here for the money. Arrow a non strike player leaving for 800k and you're complaining we pay overs for players. His main upside is metres gained and that can be replaced. Souths also threw 1.2M at Fifita so surely Bennett would know something of how good he can be. I'm not going to say he will play to that standard as too early to say but it is a position we were dearly lacking in so to get him is a huge win for the club regardless. I won't even bother answering the salty go after Milf comment at the end cause we both know that ain't happening.
I have never personally said he isn't here for the money. Arrow a non strike player leaving for 800k and you're complaining we pay overs for players. His main upside is metres gained and that can be replaced. Souths also threw 1.2M at Fifita so surely Bennett would know something of how good he can be. I'm not going to say he will play to that standard as too early to say but it is a position we were dearly lacking in so to get him is a huge win for the club regardless. I won't even bother answering the salty go after Milf comment at the end cause we both know that ain't happening.

Bennett also threw close to a million at a broken down Boyd, Bird and Milford so I wouldn't be taking his thoughts on contract value to seriously.
Bennett also threw close to a million at a broken down Boyd, Bird and Milford so I wouldn't be taking his thoughts on contract value to seriously.
That is a fair point. There could be an argument that Milford deserved it at the time. On Boyd, I got no idea on that one, always thought it was strange especially given the length. Bird always looked to be getting overs and the injuries have just strengthened that view. He did look strong beginning of this year by all reports so shame for you blokes. Maybe if he was still coach some of them would have worked out differently who knows. Definitely can't argue with you on that as it stands.
I have never personally said he isn't here for the money. Arrow a non strike player leaving for 800k and you're complaining we pay overs for players. His main upside is metres gained and that can be replaced. Souths also threw 1.2M at Fifita so surely Bennett would know something of how good he can be. I'm not going to say he will play to that standard as too early to say but it is a position we were dearly lacking in so to get him is a huge win for the club regardless. I won't even bother answering the salty go after Milf comment at the end cause we both know that ain't happening.
As @broncos4life has just said, there have been some questionable recruitment decisions in the last few years from WB.
Also, I don’t think those figures from Souths were ever confirmed. Mal and Tallis have both had Fifita’s numbers said to them on TV/radio and have never once stepped in and denied the figures.
Side to that there is no doubt that the forward pack you guys will have next year will be solid. But in the same regard I think we at the Broncos have probably shown that forwards aren’t going to win you a comp, and in some cases wont even get you in the 8.
Fifita at 1.25m, I’ve got no idea about Tino’s money but if I were to guess it’d be anywhere from 600-800k, Taylor is still sitting there on 1mil, Boyd is also on significant money from what I’ve read, as is Wallace. I won’t even mention Cartwright and Peachy. Sure they will try and offload those blokes, but the club will still be chipping in significant $ to get rid of them.
I think the issue will be the spine, much like Brisbane.
As for the big sell that Fifita and Tino will bring players to the club, they will have to come in for unders as the cap is looking out of whack, again much like Brisbane’s.
Hopefully Brisbane have finally learnt and have drawn a line in the sand with paying overs for blokes.
I genuinely cannot see how Fifita is worth any more then 800k. I love the bloke, but even footy minds like Johns and Gould have said similar.
It’s just crazy money, and I cannot at all blame him for taking it.
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Thanks Don, I haven't read anything yet but I can see you've put in a great effort with your opener. Time to go through it now, coffee in hand and no duties to perform, yet.
As @broncos4life has just said, there have been some questionable recruitment decisions in the last few years from WB.
Also, I don’t think those figures from Souths were ever confirmed. Mal and Tallis have both had Fifita’s numbers said to them on TV/radio and have never once stepped in and denied the figures.
Side to that there is no doubt that the forward pack you guys will have next year will be solid. But in the same regard I think we at the Broncos have probably shown that forwards aren’t going to win you a comp, and in some cases wont even get you in the 8.
Fifita at 1.25m, I’ve got no idea about Tino’s money but if I were to guess it’d be anywhere from 600-800k, Taylor is still sitting there on 1mil, Boyd is also on significant money from what I’ve read, as is Wallace. I won’t even mention Cartwright and Peachy. Sure they will try and offload those blokes, but the club will still be chipping in significant $ to get rid of them.
I think the issue will be the spine, much like Brisbane.
As for the big sell that Fifita and Tino will bring players to the club, they will have to come in for unders as the cap is looking out of whack, again much like Brisbane’s.
Hopefully Brisbane have finally learnt and have drawn a line in the sand with paying overs for blokes.
I genuinely cannot see how Fifita is worth any more then 800k. I love the bloke, but even footy minds like Johns and Gould have said similar.
It’s just crazy money, and I cannot at all blame him for taking it.

I think a major inconsistency you are overlooking with your forwards this year is how many errors the team made especially in earlier rounds after season resumption. I feel as though at times this limited their opportunity to show whether having a quality forward pack could win games. Add that to Turpin and Fifita being out (maybe others too TPJ etc at times)and your pack never really got to show what they could do I feel. Not saying it will win us games next year but we have definitely lost quite a few in recent years due to being monstered in the middle. Even against Penrith last week our forwards all ran for 94m and under (many around 50). I feel as though our backline is at least NRL quality as it stands for next year. Might not win a comp but I feel most Titans fans just want finals footy to start with and this is more likely to get us there.
Ya know the Titans have them r own fan forum yeah?
Ffs, it says discuss all issues RUGBY LEAGUE UNRELATED TO THE BRONCOS. Jesus, don't be so precious Nashy. The Titans are relevant at the moment with our interaction with them and I don't understand why people cannot simply skip over that which they don't want to read. Just do what McHunt and gUt have done and block out posters you don't want to hear from!!
geez some precious ***** in here. fair enough if we opened a subforum on here for them but a singular thread in a general rugby league subforum isn't a huge deal.

imo it's good to have other fans on here, otherwise the echo chamber becomes defeaning, and most oppo fans that have ventured here have been pretty reasonable.
You are a legend sir! Why the **** this offends is beyond me !! It's a football matter unrelated to the Broncos, it fits the forums description.
Yes I do. Apologies if you don't agree with the thread. I was against making one but was informed you 'wouldn't bat an eyelid' if it was in the Rugby League section as it is what it is for. There is a lot of it going on in the Fifita thread as it is so I don't see how possibly removing that from the actual Bronco's section is a problem. Broncos4life sorry for the inconvenience but there are fans keen on seeing other QLD teams do well as well and would like to hear some insight without having to go over to the Titans forum. This was for those sort of fans so if ignoring me removes the issue for you go ahead.
Well fucking said. I think this thread is being unfairly treated be6of lingering butthurt over Fifita.
Ffs, it says discuss all issues RUGBY LEAGUE UNRELATED TO THE BRONCOS. Jesus, don't be so precious Nashy. The Titans are relevant at the moment with our interaction with them and I don't understand why people cannot simply skip over that which they don't want to read. Just do what McHunt and gUt have done and block out posters you don't want to hear from!!

FFS pull your head in and don't speak to me like that.
Okay Don, I have read through your opener and starting with your coach, Holbrook. I read up on him a while ago and was keen to see what sort of approach he would take. He has a good (if non nrl) pedigree and certainly coached plenty of ex nrl players. I thought exactly the same as you described, he started by putting players on the field with zero expectations but a keen interest in how they would perform. Like you said, with a view to see who wouldn't be required going forward. Then he moved a few pieces around for more testing. His first year is all about this I reckon.

Your props: While you don't have a Haas this year or going forward you don't really need one. You need a pack that at least cancels out the opposition. I think you have that for 21. Solid but not spectacular. I do like Joliffe. I admit I don't know much about a few of them other than they are steady. I might get some details about them later.

Second row: yep, again I think you're on the money in saying it needed work and with the new guys I think it will be an issue that's addressed.
Lock and hooker: another area that needs attention but I'm certain Holbrook can see that too. I see you said that Ese'ese will fill the 13 and I think that's a very solid solution. I imagine you'll need to add to your depth in that position. Hooker? It's an area needing urgent attention but again, Holbrook will be all over that. I see 2022 being your best year for a long time.

Holbrook will have assembled a squad of his own choosing by then. I was wondering about Taylor. How did Holbrook get him back enjoying football? I still rate Taylor and think he could really kick on under Holbrook. I didn't believe Taylor was the problem at the Tits, he just didn't have the team a halfback needs, he was weighed down by expectation and I think the spotlight and pressure crushed him. He's really just a very young guy and very very few can survive unrealistic expectations and keep a healthy state of mind. I quite like the way that Fogarty has been improving and you never know, you might have enough with what you've already got on your books.

There's a couple of other lesser lights I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on.
FFS pull your head in and don't speak to me like that.
I just thought you'd be more tolerant. Clearly that's a mistake. Of all the things said over the years to you, that hurt your feelings? Really? Okay, I'm sorry.
geez some precious ***** in here. fair enough if we opened a subforum on here for them but a singular thread in a general rugby league subforum isn't a huge deal.

imo it's good to have other fans on here, otherwise the echo chamber becomes defeaning, and most oppo fans that have ventured here have been pretty reasonable.
This. Plus if you read other threads, The Don was asked to start a thread on this topic
Discussions about all things Rugby League. Discuss anything not related to the Brisbane Broncos here.
Okay Don, I have read through your opener and starting with your coach, Holbrook. I read up on him a while ago and was keen to see what sort of approach he would take. He has a good (if non nrl) pedigree and certainly coached plenty of ex nrl players. I thought exactly the same as you described, he started by putting players on the field with zero expectations but a keen interest in how they would perform. Like you said, with a view to see who wouldn't be required going forward. Then he moved a few pieces around for more testing. His first year is all about this I reckon.

Your props: While you don't have a Haas this year or going forward you don't really need one. You need a pack that at least cancels out the opposition. I think you have that for 21. Solid but not spectacular. I do like Joliffe. I admit I don't know much about a few of them other than they are steady. I might get some details about them later.

Second row: yep, again I think you're on the money in saying it needed work and with the new guys I think it will be an issue that's addressed.
Lock and hooker: another area that needs attention but I'm certain Holbrook can see that too. I see you said that Ese'ese will fill the 13 and I think that's a very solid solution. I imagine you'll need to add to your depth in that position. Hooker? It's an area needing urgent attention but again, Holbrook will be all over that. I see 2022 being your best year for a long time.

Holbrook will have assembled a squad of his own choosing by then. I was wondering about Taylor. How did Holbrook get him back enjoying football? I still rate Taylor and think he could really kick on under Holbrook. I didn't believe Taylor was the problem at the Tits, he just didn't have the team a halfback needs, he was weighed down by expectation and I think the spotlight and pressure crushed him. He's really just a very young guy and very very few can survive unrealistic expectations and keep a healthy state of mind. I quite like the way that Fogarty has been improving and you never know, you might have enough with what you've already got on your books.

There's a couple of other lesser lights I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on.
If you let me know the 'lesser lights' I would be more than happy to give my thoughts on them.
Discussions about all things Rugby League. Discuss anything not related to the Brisbane Broncos here.

FFS you got your thread so just move on.

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