Greg Bird guilty of assaulting girlfriend

I will be spewing if he gets a suspended sentence like D'Arcy did. It was no worse (Cowley's face was shattered while Bird's bird nearly lost her eye) but the fact that he tried to get a mate to take the blame (and thus pervert the course of justice) and that he used a weapon should be enough to put him behind bars for an actual jail term, no periodic crap.
I don't understand how Greg Bird was able to leave the country with a court case impending?
Now he has been charged and waiting for sentencing he is going back to France to continue playing until his sentence comes down in June. Can anyone enlighten me on this please? Just curious.

On a side note. I have lost respect for Kevvie for taking him on and then making him captain. Seems he has no issues with violence as he also took Lacey into his team Ipswich Jets after he was charged. [icon_thumbs_do
Apparently he is facing just community service at he moment with the possibility of having some jail time. So I am guessing if they are only looking at community service at the moment, then if they do give him some jail time it won't be for a long enough period.
Where is he doing the community service atm then? In France? Flying out today according to Fox Sport.
Well i don't think he has been sentenced with it yet so he doesn't have to do it till that verdict comes through.
tryhard said:
Where is he doing the community service atm then? In France? Flying out today according to Fox Sport.

And I hope the waste of oxygen tries to avoid coming back. Send Jack Bauer after him and assassinate the prick.

And seriously broncospwn, you're entitled to your opinion, but I really think you have absolutely no life experience and live in a nice little bubble of ignorance where footballers are gods and nothing bad in the world ever really happens.

You're an ignorant turd burglar and I wish you'd GTFO.
Is he going to appeal? Because I think if he does he will actually get the verdict over-turned. In fact I am surprised he was found guilty of the assault in the first place. While we all know (ie believe 100%) that he did it, as far as everything I have read/heard there is no ACTUAL evidence he did it. There were no witnesses, he has denied it and the victim is refusing to make a statement against him. The fact the 2 of them couldn't get their stories straight is the whole basis on which he has been found guilty. To my mind this is all just circumstantial evidence which I thought you couldn't convict upon. Would of thought the most he could have been convicted of was perverting the course of justice. But hey, I'm no lawyer.
Was there a jury in this trial? Ultimately it just comes down to their being convinced. No reason you can't have circumstantial evidence.

The fact he lied and that their stories weren't coordinated suggests he'd have no chance on appeal either, because his own testimony and that of the victim can't be trusted.
Pretty sure circumstantial evidence can lead to a conviction. It's entered into the court as regular evidence.

Defence lawyer's job is to make sure the court knows it's BS, and there is no solid evidence.
Yep, provide credible explanations that counter the circumstantial evidence. They obviously produced none.
Coxyz said:
tryhard said:
Where is he doing the community service atm then? In France? Flying out today according to Fox Sport.

And I hope the waste of oxygen tries to avoid coming back. Send Jack Bauer after him and assassinate the prick.

And seriously broncospwn, you're entitled to your opinion, but I really think you have absolutely no life experience and live in a nice little bubble of ignorance where footballers are gods and nothing bad in the world ever really happens.

You're an ignorant turd burglar and I wish you'd GTFO.
Even though I'm speaking from personal expereince? People very close to me have been subject to very bad domestic abuse. A cousin of mine, had her thumb broken and bruises all around her body by her husband and the cops wouldn't give much more than a restraining order becuase he was a first time offender.
Seriously coxy, if someone has a different opinion then you, they are moronic little shits who have no clue and have no expereince in life?... wow.
Keep going with the name calling though, very mature from a what 37 year old? [eusa_doh
If your cousin had wished to make a complaint and statement, the police would have seen the evidence in bruises and a broken thumb, and would have charged him.

Then it's up to the court to state if a restraining order, jail, community service etc is needed.
Well there you go - I thought circumstantial evidence wasn't even admissible in court - damn you American Legal Shows!!!
Flutterby said:
Well there you go - I thought circumstantial evidence wasn't even admissible in court - damn you American Legal Shows!!!

The Yank shows are still right. It's not that on the shows they can't admit it as evidence. Usually they are whinging that it is all they have, and it's hard to get a conviction based purely on it, because lawyers are pretty good at dismissing it all.
Yep. Lawyers put a spin on it, the jury start to doubt it and if there's any doubt they have to rule not guilty.

The problem Bird has was all his dodgy stories (she fell, my mate did it etc) are on record and so anything he and she says has to be taken as lacking credibility. Thus the circumstantial evidence becomes stronger, because the testimony of those involved is flawed.

He'll probably be sentenced, then appeal I imagine.
Also, I think it was a judge only, not a jury trial - so judges can tend to have less doubts
I figured it had to be judge only. Trial was run and won far too quickly to have involved a jury!
Nashy said:
If your cousin had wished to make a complaint and statement, the police would have seen the evidence in bruises and a broken thumb, and would have charged him.

Then it's up to the court to state if a restraining order, jail, community service etc is needed.
He got charged but it was more a less just something added to his criminial record, no jail time, no community service, just a criminial record, the police knew he did it as she told them at first but refused to make any statements or take any action against him which is what greg birds girlfriend has done which I why I think he MAY get off without jail time, i hope he gets a severe punishment, but from two personal expereinces of domestic violece where the women fails to pursue the case and the punishments have been close to nill doesn't give me much hope.