Greg Bird guilty of assaulting girlfriend

Be nice if the UK stopped him being allowed to work in the country now. That would really piss him off.
Flutterby said:
Is he going to appeal? Because I think if he does he will actually get the verdict over-turned. In fact I am surprised he was found guilty of the assault in the first place. While we all know (ie believe 100%) that he did it, as far as everything I have read/heard there is no ACTUAL evidence he did it. There were no witnesses, he has denied it and the victim is refusing to make a statement against him. The fact the 2 of them couldn't get their stories straight is the whole basis on which he has been found guilty. To my mind this is all just circumstantial evidence which I thought you couldn't convict upon. Would of thought the most he could have been convicted of was perverting the course of justice. But hey, I'm no lawyer.

I think the sms messages was proof enough. ... 21,00.html
Brent Watson's testimony could be enough...did he testify? The prosecution may call on him if it does go to appeal.

I think the sms messages was proof enough.


Disagree - the sms message prove something happened and Bird wanted him to take the rap. But the message also said an accident happened. At no point did Bird say - I assaulted Katie, or I threw a glass at Katie. His messages are simply proof of attempts to pervert the course of justice.
Also proves he's a liar, and that for whatever reason his girlfriend was complicit in the lying.
Hence the fact she won't testify is neither here nor there as her testimony can't be trusted anyway.
Apart from Bird actually glassing her, if they didn't want him charged the main thing they did wrong was not getting their stories straight. I think their original version that she fell into the glass coffee table would have seen little to no further investigation. It was only when she turned around and said 'actually no Brent hit me with a glass' and then Bird changed his story to that as well, that more questions were raised.
I can't believe Kevvy is still allowing him to be the captain of his side, and that Paul gallen wants him back in the NRL. Surely he is a thug of the highest order?
Neighbours allegedly heard her say to Bird, why did you do this.
Means nothing. She could've been saying "why did you move the coffee table where I was going to face plant on it, leave all redecorating decisions to me".
I think he'll get a suspended sentence if anything...dont think he'll see the inside of a cell at all
Let's say that was the case - he pushed her, she falls on a glass she's holding. Why on earth wouldn't you just tell someone that? This is the first time she's said anything at all, if it was simply an accident, she could have ended this ages ago by telling the 'truth'.
FORMER NRL star Greg Bird has been jailed for a minimum eight months jail for glassing his girlfriend Katie Milligan last year.

The maximum sentence handed down by Magistrate Roger Clisdell was 16 months.

Bird looked shell shocked as he wasled to the cells beneath the Downing Centre Local Court, as female members of his family sobbed.

His lawyers are expected to immediately lodge an appeal and try to secure his release on bail.

Mr Clisdell said superior courts had long enforced the need for crimes of glassing and domestic violence to be sentenced with a degree of general deterrence - and this fell into both categories.

Jailed ... 21,00.html
Well done.

So will he see any time inside a cell though? I don't know much about the legal system....
Yes, if they do not succeed in (a) their application to have him released on bail pending the appeal; and (b) the appeal.
I think they would be crazy to give him bail given that he is 'employed' in France - chances of him fleeing to France and not coming back to Oz are high (though I don't know what our extradition arrangements with France are). I gotta say I am surprised they gave him jail time - really thought he'd get a suspended sentence or community service, but glad he has been sentenced to some jail time.