Greg Bird guilty of assaulting girlfriend

And to think this time last year he was "the NSW version of Wally Lewis" ... way to ruin your life when you had everything Jail Bird.
FInally a judge making a stand against glassing. Good job and suffer in your jocks Bird. He only showed remorse when he was found out.

Fucking dog.
+ 1 steve - hopefully this incident is high profile enough to deter any dickhead from glassing someone in the future... right outcome IMO!
Glad he didn't get off, thank god for that let the scum glasser suffer in jail.
I am worried though that his appeal will be successful and he will get out of doing the jail time he deserves.
I wonder if he will come back should his appeal fail.... can we extradite him from France eusa_think
I'm sure Australia has an extradition arrangement with France.
Spain on the other hand...Gregory Skase...has a ring to it.
mrslong said:
And to think this time last year he was "the NSW version of Wally Lewis"

Well this time this year he's more like NSW's version of Joe Kilroy,27574,26 ... 21,00.html

KATIE Milligan was high on prescription medication, drunk and "crazy" when she lunged at former NRL star Greg Bird with a glass during an argument, she has told a court.

After sleeping at a friend's house, she let herself into Bird's apartment the following morning while he was sleeping and ripped up a photo, smashed a photo frame, threw water and flowers at him and eventually lunged at him with the empty glass, she says.

It smashed into her face, causing a broken eye socket and cuts to her eye for which the former Cronulla Shark was charged with reckless wounding.

There's something familar about Bird's new defence in his appeal. Girlfriend self harming? Trying to stop the self harm? It seems to ring a bell but I don't know.... eusa_think

You'd think this might have come up during the actual trial rather than the appeal. [icon_shru
He wants to sign for the Tits already that why. He would also be under the kosh from Catalans to leave so they can sign the not so Big Willie
Fozz said:,27574,26387362-421,00.html

KATIE Milligan was high on prescription medication, drunk and "crazy" when she lunged at former NRL star Greg Bird with a glass during an argument, she has told a court.

After sleeping at a friend's house, she let herself into Bird's apartment the following morning while he was sleeping and ripped up a photo, smashed a photo frame, threw water and flowers at him and eventually lunged at him with the empty glass, she says.

It smashed into her face, causing a broken eye socket and cuts to her eye for which the former Cronulla Shark was charged with reckless wounding.

There's something familar about Bird's new defence in his appeal. Girlfriend self harming? Trying to stop the self harm? It seems to ring a bell but I don't know.... eusa_think

You'd think this might have come up during the actual trial rather than the appeal. [icon_shru

Bing fucking go!

I hope if there's any cross examination the simple questions are "Why didn't you put this evidence forward during the trial? Why did you not tell the police this story during the investigation?"

Answer: it's bullplop. BULLPLOP!
He was saving this evidence for when it counted. Turns out both Greg's are heroes.

On a sidenote I would stop barracking for my team for the duration he was a member of the side, a very good footballer he may be but I couldn't hack having him in my team.
Agreed. If the Broncos were to sign him I would stop supporting them.

I doubt Toidans fans have the same sense of decency. Afterall, they live on the Gold Coast and accept and condone the drug abuse and violence that goes on in many areas of the city.
Agree with others - if this is really what happened surely one or both of them would have come at with it either a) when the initial arrest was made or b) during the trial or c) on both occassions.

But no - instead they both fabricated a different initial story and Bird tried to blame someone else who wasn't even there. I cannot believe any court would now believe this - it's like they've gone "oh look, people aren't so against Inglis cause his g/f said he was trying to protect her from herself - let's say the same thing."

And another thing - what about the AVO the police put in place on Birsd staying away from Milligan - they are walking around and into court hand in hand, that is definitely a violation of the AVO and he should be charged with that as well. Unless the AVO has been lifted - I haven't heard so am not sure.

But seriously this guy deserves some quality jail time.
The Gymp said:
He was saving this evidence for when it counted. Turns out both Greg's are heroes.

On a sidenote I would stop barracking for my team for the duration he was a member of the side, a very good footballer he may be but I couldn't hack having him in my team.

Same here. He and Watmough are two players I would not tolerate in my team.
Flutterby said:
Agree with others - if this is really what happened surely one or both of them would have come at with it either a) when the initial arrest was made or b) during the trial or c) on both occassions.

But no - instead they both fabricated a different initial story and Bird tried to blame someone else who wasn't even there. I cannot believe any court would now believe this - it's like they've gone "oh look, people aren't so against Inglis cause his g/f said he was trying to protect her from herself - let's say the same thing."

Thing is, as yet the Greg Inglis case hasn't been seen through to conclusion. Public opinion may be more sympathetic towards Inglis, but the court has not had its say yet.

Bird is an absolute idiot if he thinks the court will believe this shit, even if Katie dumb shit bimbo backs up his story. The fact they're clearly violating the AVO and are still in a relationship pretty much makes their testimony irrelevant in this appeal process.