Greg Bird guilty of assaulting girlfriend

Oh yeah I know the court still hasn't decided the Inglis case and they may well find him guilty as well, but Bird is idiot enough to thing that if public opinion turns the courts will uphold his appeal.
Yep that's what I'm saying, they're idiots. The court listens very little to public opinion. Generally public and government opinion only comes into consideration during sentencing, which it did in this case as glassing is seen as such an appalling act of violence that is growing in frequency.

Had he "just" punched her, I very much doubt he would've seen jail time.
He'll get off the jail term without a doubt.

Also, I thought the AVO was lifted a while back when the lawyers put pressure on the police to do it.
The court is not that dumb. It's simple - he glassed his girl... accidental or not... I hope the punishment fits the crime.
lockyer47 said:
The court is not that dumb. It's simple - he glassed his girl... accidental or not... I hope the punishment fits the crime.

that part is abit extreme, not defending Bird himself here. But if something is proven to be an accident you cant sentence the person not something like Glassing. If it was indeed true that she lunged at him glass broke in her hand hit her face. Then he should be let free with nothing.
Depends on the "accident". If it was out of negligence then you could still cop a charge and jail time for negligence causing bodily harm.
Yeah. But it's Greg Bird. So he won't. If it was Joe Blow, then yep, he'd be in the slammer.
Told ya.

Greg Bird avoids jail term after having his appeal upheld

By staff writers
November 25, 2009

Former Cronulla star Greg Bird has escaped an eight-month jail term after a judge upheld his appeal following a guilty verdict for recklessly wounding his girlfriend.

Bird was sentenced in June to at least eight months jail time, with a maximum of 16 months.

Bird, who now plays for the Catalan Dragons in the English Super League, was granted bail immediately after lodging an appeal the same day.

The pair then claimed it was all an accident, blaming Ms Milligan's drug use and aggression, and saying she started the fight.

Fuckin **** of an act. I hope he has a private jet, and it crashes. I also hope anyone else on board is fine.
I hope he gets run over by a truck. Yes, I'm serious. What a scumbag.
lynx000 said:
Flutterby said:
Is he going to appeal? Because I think if he does he will actually get the verdict over-turned. In fact I am surprised he was found guilty of the assault in the first place. While we all know (ie believe 100%) that he did it, as far as everything I have read/heard there is no ACTUAL evidence he did it. There were no witnesses, he has denied it and the victim is refusing to make a statement against him. The fact the 2 of them couldn't get their stories straight is the whole basis on which he has been found guilty. To my mind this is all just circumstantial evidence which I thought you couldn't convict upon. Would of thought the most he could have been convicted of was perverting the course of justice. But hey, I'm no lawyer.

I have to agree with this. After reading some of the comments made by the magistrate they would have to appeal and I think there is every prospect that it will be overturned in the higher court.

No great surprise, as posted a while back I thought he had reasonable prospects on an appeal.
But in saying that, I don't believe their story one iota, and I agree with Nashy and Coxy's summary of Mr Bird.
Unfortunatley there is no evidence of an "assault" taking place. Both Bird and the Milligan are saying he didnt do it. The fact they lied etc wont matter. HE WILL GET OFF
He did get off.

Yet another example of our justice system failing IMO. Her testimony could not be taken seriously given she was refusing to testify etc etc etc until he got convicted.

Not going to say anything more. I will say something I'll regret.
Im sure the judge et al know they are lying BUT unless there is some evidence of an assault you have 2 people both saying he didnt do it and they had a fairly reasonable explanation for the actions after the fact.

I just had a look at the news site and realised he got off
What I don't get is why it's not suspicious that this "evidence" wasn't provided during the initial investigation and court case?
The prosecutor even said it was a load of crap that they have come up with. But the judge has to go off the evidence:

The victim has provided a statement corroborating the Defendant version of events. No other evidence is available to prove or disprove it.

Unit is trashed etc
Injuries and the 2 statements. Thats about it.

I doubt if they would even consider obstruct Police investigation or provide false statement.

Its shit but thats the way it is
I assume the charges about his false accusations of his friend etc still stand, though they wouldn't attract jail time.
Marcus Einfeld got 3 years for lying under the oath (which Bird didn't do) and Attempting to Pervert the course of justice (which he did) so I can't see a jail term being ruled out yet.

It's odd that they had no problem trying to get Bird's mate to take the blame when they couldve just said it was an accident.
