Wondering if anyone has or knows where to get stats of head injury assessments, outcomes and concussion related weeks off?
Wondering how often happens and who seems to be gaming it the most.
Didn't see a big 'hit' on Gallen tonight although might have missed it, but IIRC not his first conveniently timed rest.
Stated before but an independent on field doctor, mandatory post game neurologist review +\- MRI, 5 or so hours of neuropsychology tests and minimum time off for repeated possible injuries and incident audit of each head injury with transparent results (without medical info) not only safe guards players and limits liability for NRL but disincentivises gaming at least a bit.
Wondering how often happens and who seems to be gaming it the most.
Didn't see a big 'hit' on Gallen tonight although might have missed it, but IIRC not his first conveniently timed rest.
Stated before but an independent on field doctor, mandatory post game neurologist review +\- MRI, 5 or so hours of neuropsychology tests and minimum time off for repeated possible injuries and incident audit of each head injury with transparent results (without medical info) not only safe guards players and limits liability for NRL but disincentivises gaming at least a bit.