I Hate those Melbourne Players

Thought I'd pop on over to little brother's forum to say that you guys are getting some serious respect right now at StormHQ! Broncs looking mighty impressive! Can't wait for round 27, should be a great match! :happy:
Basketball Wives Ugh GIF by VH1
I'd say you guys should have the Raiders easily covered. In fact, if we beat them tomorrow, (and that's a big 'if' considering our recent record against them) I reckon they'll end up missing the eight entirely given their run home.
Maybe when you develop some juniors we will stop hating you.
Ignore the bitterness, most everyone here is a closet Storm fanboy. The giveaway is when there's a rumour of us poaching a Storm player or staffer.

Ribot stole the baton from the greatest ever Broncos system and the Storm ran with it.
Donuts brought the baton home, and it's not ever going back.
Sassy Red Wine GIF by Married At First Sight
Ignore the bitterness, most everyone here is a closet Storm fanboy.
Yep... storm are clearly fucking loved around these parts 🤣🤣

Yep... storm are clearly fucking loved around these parts 🤣🤣

Yep... storm are clearly fucking loved around these parts 🤣🤣

As if Peter Badel would let validated facts get in the way of a good story.
Ignore the bitterness, most everyone here is a closet Storm fanboy. The giveaway is when there's a rumour of us poaching a Storm player or staffer.

Ribot stole the baton from the greatest ever Broncos system and the Storm ran with it.
Donuts brought the baton home, and it's not ever going back.
Bro What the F**K you can't convince me go for the storm I bleed maroon and bronco
Frustrated Buzz Lightyear GIF
Probably because half of them are from Brisbane.

Probably because half of them are IN Brisbane. Bandwagoners with the most tenuous links to Melbourne as an excuse to identify with a winning team.
For me it's not envy.

Their systematic cheating of the cap and their flagrant ignorance of their crime is bad enough. But to then parade around social media as if nothing ever happened is the cringiest thing in Australian sport.

Given that this behaviour continues, it is hard impossible to respect them, even with fair success.
For me it's not envy.

Their systematic cheating of the cap and their flagrant ignorance of their crime is bad enough. But to then parade around social media as if nothing ever happened is the cringiest thing in Australian sport.

Given that this behaviour continues, it is hard impossible to respect them, even with fair success.

Don't worry, McHunt's just trying to justify his own perverse love of Melbourne by projecting.
Ignore the bitterness, most everyone here is a closet Storm fanboy. The giveaway is when there's a rumour of us poaching a Storm player or staffer.

Ribot stole the baton from the greatest ever Broncos system and the Storm ran with it.
Donuts brought the baton home, and it's not ever going back.

Psst....just quietly, they were my 2nd team for a long time.

Less so these days.
I think I need a Hazmat suit.
For me it's not envy.

Their systematic cheating of the cap and their flagrant ignorance of their crime is bad enough. But to then parade around social media as if nothing ever happened is the cringiest thing in Australian sport.

Given that this behaviour continues, it is hard impossible to respect them, even with fair success.
My bias aside and with all due respect, I believe that’s a somewhat inane opinion to hold.

Like many of the champion teams in world sport, such as the All Blacks or the Yankees, the Storm are a highly insular organization. They care about one thing, and one thing only: winning. They are often perceived as arrogant, but this ‘arrogance’ is more often a projection of their own obsession. I know a few Storm officials and whenever the cap scandal comes up, they always say the same thing; internally, the club still celebrates those stripped titles because they realize that the situation brought the club to its knees. They realize that they’d made a terrible mistake (as we all do at some point in life), but they managed to come out the other side stronger and better than ever.

The club knows that scandal best exemplifies how ruthless their organization truly is; for nearly every club, that scandal would have spelled destruction, especially in the short term. But, the fact they still kept winning in 2010 despite playing for no points and then came back and won the comp a mere two years later is absolutely absurd and to deny what an admirable effort that was would be to talk out of spite.

Could Melbourne have had more tact at times when addressing their past indiscretions? Absolutely. However, to say they cannot ever be respected, even with fair success, is a fairly petty thing to say and in and of itself speaks of envy. For the vast majority of people, they may not be consciously envious (and are unlikely to admit it regardless), but in the subconscious, the envy is undoubtedly present.

The proof lies in the phycological pudding; If Melbourne had cheated the cap, mastered wrestling techniques and produced countless champion players all the while being another middle-of-the-road, also-ran team which never won competitions and only occasionally scraped into the eight, people would rarely give them a second thought. They may be disliked and viewed with a vague air of contempt, but they wouldn’t be hated.

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