NEWS Ikin lifts lid on Broncos’ roster strategy as Brisbane welcome Dolphins rivalry



NRL Player
May 1, 2016
What contracts were those?
Lodge for sure. The more I hear about his bad influence around the team, and considering the context of how we got him, we should have got him for 400k. I'd put that in a top 10 of 'WTF why deals'.

Bird would probably rate as the highest amount paid to a player with the lowest output. Top 10 for pure bad money to output. Even when he was signed people were like 'Why? and why so much?'...then came years of injuries.

Those 2 I'd put them up there in a top 10 for worst contracts in NRL history. Bird wasn't even out fault, but the outcome is still the same.

Had Boyd not canceled his last year, then I would say he'd be in the running too for a spot of all-time shit contracts. His last two years deserve an honorable mention.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
I think with Lodge, the first few years, which were the "risk" years, he was paid super unders considering his talent, and when he was proven to have turned his life around he was compensated accordingly to make up for it.


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
I think with Lodge, the first few years, which were the "risk" years, he was paid super unders considering his talent, and when he was proven to have turned his life around he was compensated accordingly to make up for it.
Which is a completely stupid thing to do. Hey man sorry you went to jail a few years back, here’s some money.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Which is stupid business because he owed the club, not the other way around.

You could look at it that way. Or you could look at it like a "you're actually worth $500 - $600k a year but there is a massive risk. If you can prove yourself by playing for unders while we see if you're legit reformed, we'll make up the difference next contract". Not the worst deal in history, if he ***** up we cut him loose on a minimum wage contract, if he proves himself we get an extremely decent prop for what would average out to a fair, if not unders, amount.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
You could look at it that way. Or you could look at it like a "you're actually worth $500 - $600k a year but there is a massive risk. If you can prove yourself by playing for unders while we see if you're legit reformed, we'll make up the difference next contract". Not the worst deal in history, if he ***** up we cut him loose on a minimum wage contract, if he proves himself we get an extremely decent prop for what would average out to a fair, if not unders, amount.

I get what you are saying but again, the context is a bit more serious than this, at least it should have been. He was very lucky to not be in prison, let alone on a good NRL wage. The Broncs helped him get his life back on track, the club owed him nothing. The first contract unders sure but the next one should have been at the correct rate, not making up a difference and really, he should have been happy with that. I doubt anyone else was offering him anything above 500k.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
I get what you are saying but again, the context is a bit more serious than this, at least it should have been. He was very lucky to not be in prison, let alone on a good NRL wage. The Broncs helped him get his life back on track, the club owed him nothing. The first contract unders sure but the next one should have been at the correct rate, not making up a difference and really, he should have been happy with that. I doubt anyone else was offering him anything above 500k.
I don't disagree. Just saying there were unusual circumstances and the "$800k" figure that keeps getting higher has an asterisk next to it.


NRL Player
Jul 14, 2014
Iirc that contract had to be a big one - the NRL would not register a new contract for Lodge until/unless his lawsuit in the states was paid out, and it's pretty hard to organise a multi-million dollar loan without having a large salary deal to show the lender it can actually be paid back. Fairly sure he was getting substantial offers at other clubs too, so he was either staying here on a large contract or going elsewhere as he literally couldn't stay for unders.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
The funny thing about Lodge is that we were by no means the biggest offer. At least 2 clubs were in the $1 million offer range


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