International rugby league

  • Thread starter Lockysillegitimatechild
  • Start date


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
International rugby league is alive and well. For people that don't believe me:

Watch the Fijian welcome for the kangaroos
Watch the insanity of the crowd when a 3rd string kangaroos side drive through on a bus ANYWHERE in PNG
Take a walk through New Zealand where you will see 5 or 6 nrl jerseys on any given day of the year
Sit in the 7,000 plus crowd in Toronto watching them play a 2nd division English
Go to the magic weekend in England
Talk to the local Lebanon competition players in the Lebanon squad
Cheer in French as Catalan or Toulouse score a try against a welsh team in the challenge cup
Go to the welcoming of the Tongan team in their homeland

And on and on and on it goes......

I can't believe the arrogance of some Australian rugby league fans, the disregard of Australian soccer or union fans when they can't even see the fruits of their international dominance in their own homeland, and the irony of afl fans even opening their mouths when international sport is discussed....

Rugby league isn't internationally massive, but its growing and has a foothold in world sport. It matters to a lot more people in the world then it's given credit for...

Just wondering if everyone else is excited for the World Cup and whether everyone wants to see our game succeed around the world like I do?


QCup Player
Jun 4, 2016
Sorry mate I wish I could share your hopes for international league to succeed. Whilst I'll watch some games, my season ended against those purple c$&ts at AAMI.

I only knew we were playing Fiji from BHQ as one of the lads posted a CM story about moose missing his brothers wedding.

I say all this with no satisfaction at all.


NRL Player
Mar 21, 2016
International rugby league is alive and well. For people that don't believe me:

Watch the Fijian welcome for the kangaroos
Watch the insanity of the crowd when a 3rd string kangaroos side drive through on a bus ANYWHERE in PNG
Take a walk through New Zealand where you will see 5 or 6 nrl jerseys on any given day of the year
Sit in the 7,000 plus crowd in Toronto watching them play a 2nd division English
Go to the magic weekend in England
Talk to the local Lebanon competition players in the Lebanon squad
Cheer in French as Catalan or Toulouse score a try against a welsh team in the challenge cup
Go to the welcoming of the Tongan team in their homeland

And on and on and on it goes......

I can't believe the arrogance of some Australian rugby league fans, the disregard of Australian soccer or union fans when they can't even see the fruits of their international dominance in their own homeland, and the irony of afl fans even opening their mouths when international sport is discussed....

Rugby league isn't internationally massive, but its growing and has a foothold in world sport. It matters to a lot more people in the world then it's given credit for...

Just wondering if everyone else is excited for the World Cup and whether everyone wants to see our game succeed around the world like I do?
Enjoyed last year's even though it was on at ungodly hours. Can't wait for this one either.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Hell yeah. Up the mighty Cedars. Australia and England can fight it out for 2nd and 3rd in our pool.

Australia took Josh Mansour off of us because they don't have many Australian wingers to pick so they resort to Radrara and the likes. Dirty tactics by Mal already.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
The Cedars? For real? I mean it totally makes sense but how inspiring is it to be named after a tree? Haha


NYC Player
Mar 4, 2008
Fortunately TV ratings shows that people do care. The Kangaroos vs England game blitzed the Bledisloe. If only we tried to develop it and give it the attention it deserves.


NRL Player
Feb 2, 2011
If anyone wants to question the importance of international rugby league I’d suggest they watch the Samoa and Tonga game coming up or a game with Fiji or PNG. These guys get it, they know representing your country on the world stage is this sports highest honour no matter the result or the pay packet.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
This is an old ass thread but I couldn’t find a more appropriate one and don’t want to start a new one.

With Bennett and Young announced as Tonga’s coaching staff I thought it would be cool to name a potential 17 man squad if all eligible players chose to rep Tonga.

They’re absolutely stacked in the forwards but the spine is an issue like usual.

1. Pinisini/Niu
2. Ikuvalu
3. Talakai
4. Suli
5. Tupou
6. Staggs
7. Lolohea
8. Fotoaika
9. Havili
10. AFB
11. Kaloamatangi
12. TPJ
13. Taumalolo

14. Amone
15. NAS
16. D Fifita
17. Utoikamanu


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
This is an old ass thread but I couldn’t find a more appropriate one and don’t want to start a new one.

With Bennett and Young announced as Tonga’s coaching staff I thought it would be cool to name a potential 17 man squad if all eligible players chose to rep Tonga.

They’re absolutely stacked in the forwards but the spine is an issue like usual.

1. Pinisini/Niu
2. Ikuvalu
3. Talakai
4. Suli
5. Tupou
6. Staggs
7. Lolohea
8. Fotoaika
9. Havili
10. AFB
11. Kaloamatangi
12. TPJ
13. Taumalolo

14. Amone
15. NAS
16. D Fifita
17. Utoikamanu

it's the same weekend as Origin 2, so I can't see either Staggs or Tupou playing in this game.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
it's the same weekend as Origin 2, so I can't see either Staggs or Tupou playing in this game.

Pretty sure he means if they chose to represent Tonga instead of playing Origin.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
I think the op ignored me, what a big puss


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
The original poster of this thread has ignored me, they are a huge sook.


International Rep
May 21, 2013

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