Israel Folau wants out... I'll show him the door.

Well if he's turned down rah-rah then he's odds on to stay with us 8-)
If Israel goes to another NRL club that would just be uber lame, it's looking very likely he will stay.
He won't go to another club, which club that can afford him would he want to go to??
Well, according to what we've heard about Hunt and his enjoyment of his current 'career', he will will probably talk Izzie out of staying a Bronco and 'explore his options'.
Being the impressionable type that Israel is, this can only be bad news for Broncos fans.

Hunt should just keep his nose out of Rugby League matters.
He isn't involved any more.
I can't see Folau being a hugely successful AFL player. Sure he can catch, but can he even kick? He just doesn't strike me as the AFL type of player
OXY-351 said:
I can't see Folau being a hugely successful AFL player. Sure he can catch, but can he even kick? He just doesn't strike me as the AFL type of player

Agreed. Can jump and catch, and is strong, but isn't particularly agile, I've never seen him kick, I haven't heard if he's ever played a game in his life (at least Harmichael had played a few games at school)...not saying he couldn't do it but damn it'd be hard work.
What advice could K possibly offer Izzy? Since he's left the Broncos he's been playing Union with the Frogs FFS.

I'm not sold of Izzy's kicking and fumbling skills either.
TBH if Izzy goes to AFL he has the skills he would most likely be in the forward line kicking goals.
Im going to me pissed off big time if a day after origin three Folau comes out and says he is leaving NRL. What pisses me off even more is that AFL are purely going for NRL stars so that they can get publisity in QLD and NSW. No way in this world would Folau be as useful in AFL as NRL. I honsetly cant see Folau kicking 60m goals week in week out.

He would be a waiste in the AFL. I know its cutting our noses of to spite out face but if a "star" Nrl player leaves to play AFL they shouldnt be aloud to play in the NRL ever again. This would most likely stop most players from considering a switch based on the fact that if they are crap they wont get re-signed and wont have an income after their three year deal. NRL and UNION should combine to agree with these terms so they cant play Union either. i'd rather loose a player to Union then GAY FL.