Israel Folau wants out... I'll show him the door.

Bucking Beads said:
Scotty said:
IMO National and SOO allegiance should be seperate. If you were born in another country but were developed as a footy player in NSW/QLD, then you should be able to rep your country of birth and the state you first played footy in.

Spoken like a true POM... [icon_thumbs_do

WTF has that got to do with it? [icon_confu

If you want an example of what I mean, Ben Te'o played his first senior footy in QLD, but since he was born in NZ he should be able to represent them internationally if he wishes. The international game could be strengthened by a rule like that, and thats something RL needs to look at improving IMO.

I have no idea how being a "pom" comes into it. Has an Englishman ever represented NSW/Queensland over their country? I don't think so ... probably because they are shit at league. And I remember Burgess coming out a while back saying he would love to represent NSW. That's bullshit as he began playing and made his senior debut outside of Australia, he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near origin.

Think before you post, beads.
Maybe you should take some of your own advice instead of suggesting that a Player can play for QLD or NSW but then represent NZ WTF?????
Agree with Beads. If you play Origin, your allegiance lies with the green and gold when it comes to International League. The International game is fine anyway and IMO doesn't need strengthening.
Bucking Beads said:
Maybe you should take some of your own advice instead of suggesting that a Player can play for QLD or NSW but then represent NZ WTF?????

You can disagree with it but why do you think it is that much of a bad idea? And maybe explain why being English had anything to do with my opinion?

It's no more ridiculous than the fact that players like Te'o can play for QLD at all under the current rules.
Jeba said:
The International game is fine anyway and IMO doesn't need strengthening.
That statement is laughable. There's only 2, maybe 3 countries who are serous contenders at international level.
A topic worthy of discussion, just not here. Feel free to open another thread in league talk.
Scotty said:
Bucking Beads said:
Maybe you should take some of your own advice instead of suggesting that a Player can play for QLD or NSW but then represent NZ WTF?????

You can disagree with it but why do you think it is that much of a bad idea? And maybe explain why being English had anything to do with my opinion?

It's no more ridiculous than the fact that players like Te'o can play for QLD at all under the current rules.

I do agree that it is ridiculous that Te'o can play for QLD. If we let Kiwis play Origin and then represent NZ we may aswell cancel Origin and play a best of 2 ALL star game.
I don't think he will but I hope he does. I wish he would just make his decision public so we can build our squad for next season.
I heard on the radio that after playing origin it made his decision even harder. I'm not entirely sure he has made up his mind yet.
Would like to think that him making his decision during the origin period would have him lean our way? Who wouldn't wanna smash them dirty roaches three times a year?...thats gotta have a value...LOL
He was on The Footy Show tonight. Didn't really saying anything about what's happening with his future, just the usual 'it's a big decision', etc.
Lockyer was apparently very coy about it all on the Today Show this morning but was hinting strongly that he will stay
Cameron Williams put it to Lockyer that it was great news about Izzy signing on with the broncos....Darren did a fair bit of um-ing and ahh-ing which is the same he did when they asked him about Hannant signing.
Meat77 said:
Lockyer was apparently very coy about it all on the Today Show this morning but was hinting strongly that he will stay

Emma said:
Cameron Williams put it to Lockyer that it was great news about Izzy signing on with the broncos....Darren did a fair bit of um-ing and ahh-ing which is the same he did when they asked him about Hannant signing.

What are you guys doing watching the Today Show? [eusa_doh [icon_razz1
If we put that on first thing in the morning, it's not like I can get sucked in to watching something and not get out of bed on time!