Israel Folau wants out... I'll show him the door.

I propose that the next BHQ banner features only past players. Our Hall of Famers.

Every year we change the players and one of them leaves. If they've already left then we aren't at risk of jinxing anything :P
Coxy said:
I propose that the next BHQ banner features only past players. Our Hall of Famers.

Every year we change the players and one of them leaves. If they've already left then we aren't at risk of jinxing anything :P

Fair call, all past captains perhaps...

Just watching the live press conference for the Folau signing.
Or don't put players who are off contract? :P
Nashy said:
Donny said:
When Hodges gets fit drop Folau to Q Cup and and leave Glen at centre. I want the Broncos to make it as hard as possible for Folau for the next couple of months. Why shouldnt we, Folau has fuked around for weeks saying he will stay now he is leaving. I hope the **** does his knee and at the same time dislocates his ankle, elbow and neck whilst snapping all the tendons in his right and left leg.

Folau doesnt deserve to wear a Broncos jersey after we offloaded some of the best players in the comp to pay for him. What a total **** wit.

Any person who wishes injury on a player is a complete and utter **** tosser. He never once said he was staying, so if Bruno has left talks till now, he's a retard.

Ok deep down in my heart of course i dont want him to get injured. He's a great player and i wish him all the best. On the other hand i hope all the Stars of AFL are fuming and get together for some type of player strike. I know as a supported of Rugby League that if the NRL decided to pay 6mil dollars a year to Brown to play rugby while Darren Lockyer was only on his 600k a year i would be so pissed off.

If i was Brown, Abblet, Franklin, Hall ect i would be marching to the front doors of the AFL and going what the fuk is going on?
Israel has never played AFL at all, he can't kick and he says he felt it was the right time for him and to further his career. Also said he has alot of family in Sydney which is another reason for moving to SYdney...
I thought all of his family was in Brisbane & that's why he left Melbourne.

Bruno Cullen said he thought it was a 4 year deal worth 6 Million. [icon_ee
Kaz said:
I thought all of his family was in Brisbane & that's why he left Melbourne.

Bruno Cullen said he thought it was a 4 year deal worth 6 Million. [icon_ee

Thats what I though too, Now they are saying that Israel relates to the people of Greater Western SYdney... Poor Izzy I feel for him the journalist are smashing him,
Bucking Beads said:
Kaz said:
I thought all of his family was in Brisbane & that's why he left Melbourne.

Bruno Cullen said he thought it was a 4 year deal worth 6 Million. [icon_ee

Thats what I though too, Now they are saying that Israel relates to the people of Greater Western SYdney... Poor Izzy I feel for him the journalist are smashing him,

I dont feel for him at all, REPORTED 6mil for FOUR years and not THREE. Oh well he will be 26 by the time he can play league again. What a shame. Good luck to him but i dont think he will make a good AFL player.

How will it be at training though, When players who actually make the AFL side and can play 100 x better then Izzy are only on 1/6 of what he earns. God if i was one of them i would be so pissed off!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Donny said:
Bucking Beads said:
Kaz said:
I thought all of his family was in Brisbane & that's why he left Melbourne.

Bruno Cullen said he thought it was a 4 year deal worth 6 Million. [icon_ee

Thats what I though too, Now they are saying that Israel relates to the people of Greater Western SYdney... Poor Izzy I feel for him the journalist are smashing him,

I dont feel for him at all, REPORTED 6mil for FOUR years and not THREE. Oh well he will be 26 by the time he can play league again. What a shame. Good luck to him but i dont think he will make a good AFL player.

How will it be at training though, When players who actually make the AFL side and can play 100 x better then Izzy are only on 1/6 of what he earns. God if i was one of them i would be so pissed off!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Bingo. And the argument is "Oh, Folau is on a rookie salary as far as playing contract goes" what, he's also on a massive marketing contract. That's fucked.
Hope Izzy can handle the other players hating him for the amount of money he is on.
Why can't he just say he is going for the money?? We all know it is the main reason in his decision.. Also Big Mal Meninga was interviewed he didn't look impressed.
Really the AFL has just shot themselves in the foot. Basically all best players in the Game ie the Browns, Judds, ect would be so pissed off. It would be like the NRL going Lockyer, Thurston we know you guys are the best players in the comp and you are going to earn 500k a year BUT we are starting a new NRL club in Melbourne and we are going to pay JUDD 6mil to play for them. If guys want to play for the new Melbourne team you can but your only going to get your 500k a year even though your by far a better player
I admire whoever has the stomach to watch that press conference farce... :roll:

I cannot be angry at the young lad, and although I am filthy at the NRL for doing pretty much nothing to keep our stars in the game, I wouldn't support anyone countering the offer of $1.5M a year. [icon_ee

I couldn't justify that kind of grossly inflated salary, when compared to the other stars of the game and how Melb was treated for trying to keep the stars they developped.

IMO, the AFL are shooting themselves in the foot. Vossy is only one of the very vocal opponents and I cannot imagine Khunt and Izzy being treated respectfully by their peers, who earn nothing similar and are 500% better players. Besides, once the novelty wears off, GC17 and GWS will slip into mediocrity and anonymate... [icon_evillaugh

Folau sure as hell sucked them into assuring his lifelong financial security and good on him.
I'd hate to be him during Origin and Test periods though, because I'm pretty sure RL is where his heart is and will remain. :roll:
Bucking Beads said:
Why can't he just say he is going for the money?? We all know it is the main reason in his decision.. Also Big Mal Meninga was interviewed he didn't look impressed.
I'm pretty sure that at least $5.5M of his contract prevents him from saying that... [icon_lol1.
Maybe Izzy can film an ad bouncing a gAyFL ball in London, to go with KHunt's Swisse vitamins ad bouncing a gAyFL ball in Paris.
$6m for 4 years, you can't turn that down!
WOW, gAyFL are more stupid than I first thought possible! LOL.

Good on Folau he has suckered them for every dollar and I hope he fails miserably and enjoys being hated and playing in front of crowds of 60 people because he most probably won't play first grade.
Caniffe said:
Can we change the banner yet?
I just realised I have to edit my banner and change my avatar... [icon_non