Israel Folau wants out... I'll show him the door.

Bucking Beads said:
Why can't he just say he is going for the money?? We all know it is the main reason in his decision.. Also Big Mal Meninga was interviewed he didn't look impressed.
Did he say anything about possibly not selecting him>?
It would be good to have Folau during the origin period.
a few sweeping statements as I don't have time to expand

1 the afl makes my blood boil ... i hate the game more and more each day ... but what makes my blood boil more is our lame administration sitting on their hands and doing nothing about it

2 can we get GI for the same coin as Folau would have been paid ? I'm not GI's biggest fan, as he goes missing for large chunks of the season ... but if Hodges recovers successfully, it certainly is appertising to think about GI on the left and Hodges on the right ... a premiership to see out Locky perhaps

3 I think the drinking culture at the Broncos has a lot to answer for ... i wonder how Israel really fitted in ... only those in the inner sanctum would know ... the culture needs to be knocked on the head

4 and call me what you like, but it does concern me how many indigenous players we have - the factions etc ... adding GI to that mmmm

Oink !
broncospwn said:
Bucking Beads said:
Why can't he just say he is going for the money?? We all know it is the main reason in his decision.. Also Big Mal Meninga was interviewed he didn't look impressed.
Did he say anything about possibly not selecting him>?
It would be good to have Folau during the origin period.

Said no decision has been made about selecting him or not. It will be made at the selection table on monday.
So he's never even played AFL, yet they sign him for 4 years on a 6 million dollar contract? Geez, he must have some good Tee Ball results on his resume!
OXY-351 said:
So he's never even played AFL, yet they sign him for 4 years on a 6 million dollar contract? Geez, he must have some good Tee Ball results on his resume!

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [ [ [
Drop israel from origin imedietly! Tate or taquiri need to replace him... israels made his big cash drapped bed... time for him to sleep in it.

On the upside the broncs at least would get izzy for the NRL pre origin weeks and we can spend his cap money elsewere, hopefully slater or inglis can come our way next year.
Can you criticise Folau and not Tuqiri?

Sport is business these days. The only people loyal to their clubs are the ones who aren't offered that amount of coin.

And the deal is $M3 - 4.2. $6M is just speculation.

And of course Hunt and Folau are marketing tools. Good business sense, especially since Folau was born and bred in Sydney (and Inglis in Macksville NSW).
rnabokov said:
Can you criticise Folau and not Tuqiri?

Sport is business these days. The only people loyal to their clubs are the ones who aren't offered that amount of coin.

And the deal is $M3 - 4.2. $6M is just specualtion.

And $3-4.2M isn't speculation? :P
Coxy said:
rnabokov said:
Can you criticise Folau and not Tuqiri?

Sport is business these days. The only people loyal to their clubs are the ones who aren't offered that amount of coin.

And the deal is $M3 - 4.2. $6M is just specualtion.

And $3-4.2M isn't speculation? :P

Yes and yes. Accurate and hopeful. [icon_razz1
Can you please post a PDF of the contract? Along with Folau's resume, including his extensive tee ball experience? :P
I dont begrudge Folau the opportunity to earn more money in a professionally run sport.

The problem I have is us losing players to sign him up on a contract that had a get out clause.

Whomever, Im guessing Cullen, allowed that clause should be out the door.
broncobuckeroo said:
I dont begrudge Folau the opportunity to earn more money in a professionally run sport.

The problem I have is us losing players to sign him up on a contract that had a get out clause.

Whomever, Im guessing Cullen, allowed that clause should be out the door.
Chances are we wouldn't have had Folau in the first place without that clause. [icon_shady
This is NFL money.. $6 million, I can't believe it. One of the biggest stories in the history of Australian Sport, regardless of whether he's untested or not, he has generated enough interest already.. The AFL are serious about this, expect this to happen again.

And more often.
Bannermania said:
This is NFL money.. $6 million, I can't believe it. One of the biggest stories in the history of Australian Sport, regardless of whether he's untested or not, he has generated enough interest already.. The AFL are serious about this, expect this to happen again.

And more often.

But the AFL aren't the NFL. They can't afford to spend this kind of money "more often"...especially without being sure it's not doing harm to the grassroots.
Sad to see him go but I don't blame him for taking the money - I would. Doesn't mean he's not loyal. Just means money talks.

Maybe one day he'll be back in our colours, wouldn't be surprised.
Nah. This was a "necessary evil" to attract publicity to their new franchises.

Don't forget other AFL clubs cannot afford this kind of contracts unther the normal cap, much less pay the highest salary to an unproven player in the code.

The only worry is if Folau and Khunt become actual AFL stars. [icon_drun
The AFL is starting to model itself closely on the NFL business model. Grassroots AFL will become somewhat secondary to recruiting players no matter what their background.

The AFL markets itself on being a homegrown Australian game, so what's to stop them continuing to do this?

Don't ever expect to see this type of money thrown at a player again, but don't be surprised to see similar numbers around Karmichael's money.

The AFL are willing to take some big risks, their attendance has never been higher, more people are supporting this game than ever before,. They can aford to be super-risky to get the returns that Folau's signing alone has generated.

Be afraid, these guys mean business.