James Roberts Drama

innocent til proven guilty, however with this lad nothing would surprise. he has form everywhere he goes and his attitude and rockstar antics are moronic.

Wouldn't be shocked if it proves to be right. But gee there are a lot of people wanting to get to the execution before we've had the trial.

I've seen too many lives ruined by people rushing in like that.
Come on that's the worst story I have ever read what a fucking load of shit, didn't want to make a complaint, didn't want to be named and Roberts said he wasn't even there.

Agree. Sniffs badly.
Doesn't add up, why wouldn't you want to press charges?

Because that's not how things work in real life, you'll find a lot of people would just prefer to get on with their lives rather than go to the trouble of "pressing charges". She works in a law firm, so she'd be well aware of how much of a pain in the ass it is to press charges against someone and actually be successful.

I highly doubt this story is made up or fabricated in any way, he's got a rap sheet longer than half the people serving time right now in Australia.

I'm not saying to sack him without investigating further, but if we deem it likely that he laid a hand on her, tear up his contract immediately, enough is enough.
Roberts reminds me of my brother. Just another bloke who no matter how many chances he gets or amount of stints in rehab he has he will always find trouble.
Because that's not how things work in real life, you'll find a lot of people would just prefer to get on with their lives rather than go to the trouble of "pressing charges". She works in a law firm, so she'd be well aware of how much of a pain in the ass it is to press charges against someone and actually be successful.

I highly doubt this story is made up or fabricated in any way, he's got a rap sheet longer than half the people serving time right now in Australia.

I'm not saying to sack him without investigating further, but if we deem it likely that he laid a hand on her, tear up his contract immediately, enough is enough.

Actually, with that many witnesses, it's actually strange to not see him get charged - even drunk and disorderly.

Story sniffs badly.
If this story is only half true then he is probably gone. On the other hand he might be salvageable with management demanding a complete alcohol ban for 2017 . He could agree or just piss off.
Smoke and fire mate.

You can't have your cake and eat it too; the alledged victim apparently works at a law firm as has been said. Is it not reasonable to assume that she wouldn't say rubbish knowing that slander is a likely recourse from Roberts.

It's not like we're talking about a player at the pinnacle of morality. Nor are we talking about a player who outweighs his trouble with his performance. I'm all for innocent until proven guilty, but this guy has been guilty too many times before. He's lucky that he has escaped as many indiscretions as he has. There's a lot more than what has been reported in the media.

I understand what you are saying and that's fair enough. I'm just weighing up his positives and negatives and looking at the value of keeping him versus the value of shedding him.

If you're looking at turfing him for commercial reasons, he's only on 250k (iirc). Unless the extra 250k this year (and this year alone) is going to get us the prop we need (Napa/James etc) then I don't see the economic case for turfing him.
No evidence that at nightclub getting hammered.

Gee, the old presumption of innocence doesn't get you too far on this forum.

Why would you give someone the presumption of innocence when you have already decided you would like to use their contract money to get Napa or Gagai?
I don't care about the hair pulling, its more the fact that he was out that late at a night club especially given his prior history. Even if the hair pulling was false, if he was drinking then they need to turf him.
Why would you give someone the presumption of innocence when you have already decided you would like to use their contract money to get Napa or Gagai?

I think you generally lose the presumption of innocence when you get sacked by 2 clubs for alcohol related incidents and then have 2 or 3 alcohol related incidents in the space of 12 months at a 3rd club.

Do you think when the Broncos heard the story they said "Jimmy did what? No, that's preposterous!" or do you think they said "What's he done this time.."
Even if he didn't do a thing, but was there, it's time to **** him off. He's a liability, and I hope he fucking loves England the stupid asshole.
im surprised he wasn't already on an alcohol ban. He's obviously not smart enough to impose one on himself..

I'm sure he does want to be on an alcohol ban and has more than likely tried to impose one on himself. Unfortunately, it's not that simple when you have dependacy issues.

Even if the club imposes one on him, it's very likely that he will break it.
Ben Hannant was on the radio on the coast saying he was with Roberts at the races and later at the casino on Saturday night and said he wasn't drunk. Still can't understand why she'd call the courier mail instead of the police. Also not wanting to mention her name or press changes sounds like a load of shit