James Roberts Drama

Not sure how NRL investigators could try and justify getting CCTV under the guise of a liquor complaint. It has nothing to do with them.

'The Qld Government is committed to giving the community access to Government held information...'

Right to Information Act first paragraph... (Incorrectly known most of the time as 'Freedom of Information).

Hell, for all we know, the NRL has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Qld Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing and may not even need an RTI request to access that information...
Yeah that might work it fantasy land

Unless she makes a formal complaint to the police, then no ones seeing the cctv.

She very probably doesnt want to be THE person who ends someones football career, ovr a hair pull.

If she didn't want to end someone's career, why did she go to the media? She reportedly works in a legal firm, so I have little doubt she is aware of the correct reporting channels if she wished to make a criminal complaint...

Despite having no idea who the young lass is, I still fail to see how she could not be aware of the 'fall out' of reporting such an incident about any high profile sports star, let alone someone with Roberts' record...

Fantasy land eh? Clearly you've had to respond to RTI requests...
Karyn Murphy is no joke, but some of their other 'investigators' leave a bit to be desired and the environment they work within?

Most certainly...
Fair dues mate, sounds like you know a bit more than me. I don't even know who the hell they are. To the average guy like me they seem like a bunch of bumbling fools
It's nearly a week after the alleged event, if Jim was clearly in the wrong it would have played out by now.

My feeling is there was a minor incident involving both parties, her friends have said you know who he is right?! She's gone to the bouncers and he's been punted because they 100% always side with the chick and then it got to a lowlife fucking journalist who needed some hits.
Fair dues mate, sounds like you know a bit more than me. I don't even know who the hell they are. To the average guy like me they seem like a bunch of bumbling fools

Karyn Murphy is an ex-Detective Inspector from the Homicide Group, State Crime Command - QPS.

Grant Boorman (the guy driving her in the Blue Commodore if you've seen today's footage) is ex-QPS as well.

I'd suggest the problems aren't them, it lies with who they are reporting to...
It's nearly a week after the alleged event, if Jim was clearly in the wrong it would have played out by now.

My feeling is there was a minor incident involving both parties, her friends have said you know who he is right?! She's gone to the bouncers and he's been punted because they 100% always side with the chick and then it got to a lowlife fucking journalist who needed some hits.

Sounds a lot like it to me, too.

Without knowing any more, I wouldn't be surprised if a pay day was involved either...
Further, was there not footage of Jimmy making a twat of himself at the Normanby readily available the day after the event??

Disclaimer - I may be imagining this
Further, was there not footage of Jimmy making a twat of himself at the Normanby readily available the day after the event??

Disclaimer - I may be imagining this
There would have been, yes. Normanby footage is quite decent.
'The Qld Government is committed to giving the community access to Government held information...'

Right to Information Act first paragraph... (Incorrectly known most of the time as 'Freedom of Information).

Hell, for all we know, the NRL has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Qld Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing and may not even need an RTI request to access that information...
Yeah, but unless this club is run by the Government ....
Under Qld Liquor and Gamings Regs, it is a licence condition that any place with a Liquor Licence must produce CCTV on demand by the po-po or a Liquor Licencing investigator...
I've personally told the police several times that they can't have footage when they've requested it.
I've personally told the police several times that they can't have footage when they've requested it.

Might want to check your licence conditions slightly more carefully then in future, if they choose to make a deal out of it...


  • Failure to comply with closed circuit television conditions
  • Licensee employs unlicensed crowd controllers.
  • Maximum penalty $12,190
  • Maximum penalty $12,190

And because I don't want to turn this into another legal debate, none of this is my opinion, it is straight from OLGR.

Storing CCTV reporting and recordings

You must store in a secure place at the licensed premises the:
  • recorded details of the daily and 6-monthly checks conducted and any malfunctioning of CCTV equipment (see 'Maintaining CCTV equipment at licensed premises' above)
  • the register used to record the CCTV certification, which must be carried out at least every 6 months.
The new obligations also require licensees to store CCTV recordings in a secure manner and keep each recording available for inspection by an investigator (i.e. Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation investigator or police officer). In addition, a licensee can no longer destroy a CCTV recording that has previously been provided to an investigator until the investigator provides written notice to the licensee advising them that the recording is 'viewable'.


Whatever anyone may have done in the past, isn't relevant to James Roberts current drama...
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Cops need to have a legit reason to ask though, I would believe? Same way they can't barge in to your house without a warrant, there would need to be suitable cause for them to have legal right to request footage. "Asking" for footage of the incident, like "asking" if they can search your home, can be legally refused if the police don't have that suitable cause (I am hypothesising)?
Love Nightlife owner Tony Rigas told The Courier-Mail he was not obliged to provide the footage to NRL investigators.
“It’s against the law under the Liquor Act until it becomes an official investigation,’’ he said. “It has to be an official investigation by the QPS (Queensland Police Service) or Liquor Licensing before I can do anything. It has to go through the proper channels, I can’t just hand over video footage to anyone.”

Police confirmed the NRL Integrity Unit, despite being manned by former senior Queensland detectives Karyn Murphy and Grant Boorman, had “no legal standing” and could not force the nightclub to hand over the footage.
Cops need to have a legit reason to ask though, I would believe? Same way they can't barge in to your house without a warrant, there would need to be suitable cause for them to have legal right to request footage. "Asking" for footage of the incident, like "asking" if they can search your home, can be legally refused if the police don't have that suitable cause (I am hypothesising)?

Not under liquor licencing conditions mate. Normally you are correct, but when a licenced premises is involved police and OLGR can go in whenever they like and require access to cctv. Failure to provide access is a breach...
Love Nightlife owner Tony Rigas told The Courier-Mail he was not obliged to provide the footage to NRL investigators.
“It’s against the law under the Liquor Act until it becomes an official investigation,’’ he said. “It has to be an official investigation by the QPS (Queensland Police Service) or Liquor Licensing before I can do anything. It has to go through the proper channels, I can’t just hand over video footage to anyone.”

Police confirmed the NRL Integrity Unit, despite being manned by former senior Queensland detectives Karyn Murphy and Grant Boorman, had “no legal standing” and could not force the nightclub to hand over the footage.

Yep. Exactly what I said earlier and the reason for going through RTI with OLGR...
Yep. Exactly what I said earlier and the reason for going through RTI with OLGR...
The NRL investigators make an intoxicated patron complaint, get them to seize the CCTV and then make an RTI application? Unlikely.