Might want to check your licence conditions slightly more carefully then in future, if they choose to make a deal out of it...
Infringement Penalties
Failure to comply with closed circuit television conditions
Licensee employs unlicensed crowd controllers.
Maximum penalty $12,190
Maximum penalty $12,190
And because I don't want to turn this into another legal debate, none of this is my opinion, it is straight from OLGR.
Storing CCTV reporting and recordings
You must store in a secure place at the licensed premises the:
recorded details of the daily and 6-monthly checks conducted and any malfunctioning of CCTV equipment (see 'Maintaining CCTV equipment at licensed premises' above)
the register used to record the CCTV certification, which must be carried out at least every 6 months.
The new obligations also require licensees to store CCTV recordings in a secure manner and keep each recording available for inspection by an investigator (i.e. Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation investigator or police officer). In addition, a licensee can no longer destroy a CCTV recording that has previously been provided to an investigator until the investigator provides written notice to the licensee advising them that the recording is 'viewable'.
Whatever anyone may have done in the past, isn't relevant to James Roberts current drama...