RUMOUR James Roberts to Broncos

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I wouldn't say losing confidence personally purely because I don't really want to sign him in the first place. Therefore, if he doesn't come, I'll actually be relieved.

Feel the exact same way
And then posters would start saying Copley is a good player again, right?

Not one person has said Copley is a bad player, simply that Roberts or Inglis would be an improvement (and some others have said the same but about reed)

This whole routine of yours is getting really tiresome.
There's a few people getting pretty wound-up bout very trivial things. In some cases, it's quite 'out of character'. I've done it too, most of us have.

It's a stupid time of the year, everyone's stressed out, so why not take it a bit easier on a forum that's essentially for entertainment.

Back on topic; the way Roberts is playing this out, I'm not sure I want him. It seems true to form in relation to past rubbish he has been involved in. Not sure we need the drama. If he really wanted to be here, then great, what a pickup. It's the attitue that I find bothersome.

Same with Inglis really. If you want to be here, it is really simple.

Couldn't agree more for all of this

And in regards to the way he's going about all this. . Very mundene like. Another reason i want him no where near our squad of true winners. We have a team. He's only out for himself. Not a fan
I've said he's massively overrated, does that count?

Its loose but im sure some people will be happy with it..

In regards to roberts either way id be happy. Id say the deal is already done wherever he is going, its just a matter of when its announced.
I don't see what's wrong with how it's being played out. If anything I respect that if he has already signed or has agreed to terms, that he's keeping it on the quiet. There's a process to follow here so he can't just say "the Broncos are so great, if they were a dude I'd suck his dick. I'm pretty much willing to play for free and wouldn't dare have a look at what other clubs are offering." At least until it's official.

Also, don't forget his actual comments have been very minimal and the large amount of conversation on the topic have been media and fan speculation. It's not like he's in this thread going "oop, where will I go? Maybe Broncos, can't make any promises though. Rabbitohs are offering too and maybe I like them more tee hee ;) ;)"
I don't see what's wrong with how it's being played out. If anything I respect that if he has already signed or has agreed to terms, that he's keeping it on the quiet. There's a process to follow here so he can't just say "the Broncos are so great, if they were a dude I'd suck his dick. I'm pretty much willing to play for free and wouldn't dare have a look at what other clubs are offering." At least until it's official.

Also, don't forget his actual comments have been very minimal and the large amount of conversation on the topic have been media and fan speculation. It's not like he's in this thread going "oop, where will I go? Maybe Broncos, can't make any promises though. Rabbitohs are offering too and maybe I like them more tee hee ;) ;)"
Fair point.
this is completely of topic but how come some people are contributors some are staff and some are rookies and all that? how did they get that achievement or whatever u want too call it ?
this is completely of topic but how come some people are contributors some are staff and some are rookies and all that? how did they get that achievement or whatever u want too call it ?

Staff = Admins of the website
Contributor = Members who donate
Rookie/Queensland Cup etc = Just a rank based on how many posts you have
Anyone else hear that the Sea Eagles have signed Walker? Doesn't bode well for us.
Anyone else hear that the Sea Eagles have signed Walker? Doesn't bode well for us.

Why's that? I thought Walker to Manly was always happening, even before Roberts was on the market.
Why's that? I thought Walker to Manly was always happening, even before Roberts was on the market.

This. I don't think he was aligned with any other club apart from Manly.
Means they (should) have the money for Roberts. Didn't Sourhs come out recently and deny Walker is going to be released? They wouldn't suddenly allow it without a replacement.
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