I dont worry about his ability tbf. I also think if 2 or 3 players are dickheads and they can corrupt the whole group then its not a strong group to start with.
Wayne doesnt necessarily fix players, but he absolutely helps them a lot as people. Not sure why you need to have a pop at Bennett in that regard. I'm sure their families and friends care more about them being a better person over thousands of Broncos fans who really couldnt give a damn about their personal lives. Also, Roberts is like a new man if you are being honest about it. He has had one slip up where he got drunk. Its what happens sometimes to people trying to live their lives and recover from an addiction, they make mistakes. If he keeps making them its a different story, but at the moment, its the exception, not the rule.
And Boyd is right, it is only a game. I totally understand fans hate hearing it, and at one point in my life i would of as well. Not these days though, things happen that make you realise how insignificant a game of Rugby League is in the scheme of things.