NEWS Joan Taufua charged with manslaughter

I highly doubt that .
NRL have already spoken to him about his behaviour and failure to follow the programs they wanted him to ( which he has done now ). While i dont think he will be de registered, he will certainley cop a ban if he does anything else.
Suspension and deregistration are two very different things .

If he was that on the nose with the NRL that he is one incident away from deregistration , would they allow him to play rep footy ?
I reckon it was after Staggs completed or was on track to complete all the mandatory trainings that required him to complete & at that point one of the stooges in Abdo, met Staggs to tell him that he’s got to put his head down to move along but absolutely NO silly stuff.

All this before the season kicked off last year is what I recall.
I reckon it was after Staggs completed or was on track to complete all the mandatory trainings that required him to complete & at that point one of the stooges in Abdo, met Staggs to tell him that he’s got to put his head down to move along but absolutely NO silly stuff.

All this before the season kicked off last year is what I recall.

He got told to pull in his head because he hadnt even started the programs he was supposed to do.
Suspension and deregistration are two very different things .

If he was that on the nose with the NRL that he is one incident away from deregistration , would they allow him to play rep footy ?

They couldnt really stop him because he did what was asked of him in the end.
100%. Some people give too much power to "blood". I haven't talked to my parents (and my entire extended family) in over 8 years (except at 1 funeral), and my life has been easier for it.

My wife is the same - and it's not always easy, but it's absolutely a choice you can make. If you wouldn't tolerate a grub of a person in normal circumstances, blood ties shouldn't change that. If you're willing to maintain those ties because of blood, it says a lot about who you'll be willing to associate with otherwise.
Love & light going out to all of those people who will forever be affected by this senseless, cruel and unspeakable tragedy. To the 3 people who passed .. may they Rest in the Arms of The Angels. 🕊️

As far as Payne is concerned .. luckily for all of us, A. Reynolds is in his corner. Remembering the vision that came out of the dressing rooms, after Payne had been so brutality booed off the field, it was Adam who was there sitting beside him. It was Adam who talked, guided, comforted and carried Payne through all that shit. In just those few seconds, seeing how Hass responded to him .. I think we all knew that Payne was left in good hands. If I remember correctly, most of the booing and other vile stuff from fans .. seemed to just dissipate .. after that vision was televised too. Adam leading the way, again. This time won't be any different. Adam will be there for him. Sometimes, it's not specialist consultant psychiatrists, or psychologists, or counsellors or close family members, or religious guidance, or sketchy managers that we really need. Sometimes, what we really need, is just a good friend. 🤷‍♀️ So much respect for A. Reynolds, aye. Expect Payne to come out and have his best season yet. 👏

As for Payne's mother. She's been charged with manslaughter x3. If she goes to trial, the jury could opt to convict of the lesser charge of reckless driving causing death, and when you figure in mitigating circumstances ..this carries a much reduced sentenced. Before that though .. guaranteed .. her lawyer already has a case prepared to be heard in front of the mental health court. If they deem sufficient mental health grounds .. they can dismiss the criminal case against her. At least that is my understanding. But wherever this journey ends .. it's gonna take many, many years to get there. Personally, I hope to see her get sentenced to the maximum term available, and all sentences be carried out consecutively, not concurrently.
Love & light going out to all of those people who will forever be affected by this senseless, cruel and unspeakable tragedy. To the 3 people who passed .. may they Rest in the Arms of The Angels. 🕊️

As far as Payne is concerned .. luckily for all of us, A. Reynolds is in his corner. Remembering the vision that came out of the dressing rooms, after Payne had been so brutality booed off the field, it was Adam who was there sitting beside him. It was Adam who talked, guided, comforted and carried Payne through all that shit. In just those few seconds, seeing how Hass responded to him .. I think we all knew that Payne was left in good hands. If I remember correctly, most of the booing and other vile stuff from fans .. seemed to just dissipate .. after that vision was televised too. Adam leading the way, again. This time won't be any different. Adam will be there for him. Sometimes, it's not specialist consultant psychiatrists, or psychologists, or counsellors or close family members, or religious guidance, or sketchy managers that we really need. Sometimes, what we really need, is just a good friend. 🤷‍♀️ So much respect for A. Reynolds, aye. Expect Payne to come out and have his best season yet. 👏

As for Payne's mother. She's been charged with manslaughter x3. If she goes to trial, the jury could opt to convict of the lesser charge of reckless driving causing death, and when you figure in mitigating circumstances ..this carries a much reduced sentenced. Before that though .. guaranteed .. her lawyer already has a case prepared to be heard in front of the mental health court. If they deem sufficient mental health grounds .. they can dismiss the criminal case against her. At least that is my understanding. But wherever this journey ends .. it's gonna take many, many years to get there. Personally, I hope to see her get sentenced to the maximum term available, and all sentences be carried out consecutively, not concurrently.
You can be charged and convicted of both Manslaughter and Dangerous Operation of a motor vehicle causing death, in Qld they are not alternative charges, IIRC. The jury could find not guilty of Manslaughter but guilty of Dangerous Op but that is based on sufficiency of evidence for each charge, they don’t get to ‘choose’ between those offences, unlike for instance murder or manslaughter. The reasoning is in why you can be convicted of both. Manslaughter requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt that person A killed person B. Dangerous Op. MV requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the dangerous operation of a motor vehicle by person A. killed ‘someone’ it’s not necessary to particularise a particular person, only that those acts or omissions killed ‘someone’.

The Mental Health Court can’t dismiss a case they can merely stay it, recommending a mental health assessment or a referral under an existing treatment authority, prior to any trial. That is not something that happens regularly particularly in a serious case and when it does it usually means the mental health of the defendant is deemed to be so acute and their capacity diminished to the point where they cannot consent to mental health treatment and are a serious risk of harm to themselves or others. That situation has to remain on-going or they will be returned to custody to face trial again under s.613 of the Code.

That the matter has been adjourned until 11 January 2023 for a bail application, suggests that the defendant’s mental health is not so acute that she requires that referral, though of course it could decline and she hasn’t pursued that path just yet.

That she was imprisoned and released on parole in late October also suggests that may be a difficult argument to mount. There were no acute mental health concerns noted when she exited prison on her parole release date, for example…

In any case it is not a get out of jail free card. Bianca Girven’s murderer - Rhys Austin was declared to be unfit for trial in 2010 by reason of mental health, in the highest profile such instance I am personally aware of. He was in custody for 2 years prior to that point and is still in a forensic psychiatric facility today. So closing in on 15 years in custody. As he should be.

“Supernatural ninjas” my arse….
NBN News just showed a clip of her being taken into police custody after being released from hospital. She looks totally different from the photos the media have been passing along. The report also stated that Payne will be seeking a leave of absence from the NRL.
It's pretty incredible how Haas ended up being a relatively normal guy with the type of family he grew up with. He might as well chase as much money as he can, he'll have to take care of these nutjobs for many years after he retires.
NBN News just showed a clip of her being taken into police custody after being released from hospital. She looks totally different from the photos the media have been passing along. The report also stated that Payne will be seeking a leave of absence from the NRL.
Can't seem to find the video .. please could you link me? Thanks :)