firstly, nightingale didn't make contact until after Hodges had lost the ball. only just, but he did.
secondly, lmfao. he's in possession until the ball hits the ground? wtf rulebook are you reading?
of course he only tackled him after he touched the ball, if he tackled him before it would deservedly be a penalty.
hodges INTENTIONALLY played at the ball so nightingale has every right to tackle him. if the ball just hit hodges and he didnt play at it and nightingale tackled him, penalty every day of the week. the fact that hodges played at it changes everything, as hes the person deemed in possession. remember, only the ball carrier, ie. the person in possession, can knock on, and hodges knocked on. if youre the ball carrier, you can be tackled.
if nightingale tackled him after the ball had hit the ground, it should be a knock-on and turnover, shouldnt go to a major infraction over a minor infraction - whats a major infraction? is there a list in the laws of the game? if there is it must have been added in the last few weeks cause i havent seen it there. ive only ever seen this once before i think it was, where an offside kick-chaser was taken out when he went for the catch, and apparently taking them out overrules the fact that he shouldnt have been there in the first place. its a stupid rule.
but nightingale tackled him after he had intentionally played at it but before it had hit the ground, which is a legitimate tackle. if someone is juggling the ball a defender can rightly come up and tackle them even when the ball is in the air, because they are "in possession" of the ball. not a hard concept to understand, and has been that way for as long as i can remember. remember, its not a knock-on until the ball comes in contact with an opposition player, the ground, or a goal post. its still in the players possession as they can get a boot to it before it hits the ground and its play on.