Karl Olaupu

Where does Karl Olaupu go from here?

  • Call press conference, apologize, cry

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Grow up, STFU, get back to work

    Votes: 23 28.4%
  • Meet Kevvie

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Release to Warriors on same contract terms, or less

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • Release to any other club but the Dolphins on same terms, or less

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Banned from sport for duration of contract

    Votes: 11 13.6%
  • No train, no pay

    Votes: 29 35.8%
  • Sack manager

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Youth dentention centre

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • 3am visit from Shane Webke

    Votes: 18 22.2%
  • Real estate with his agent (who is now banned)

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Basically just get fucked

    Votes: 43 53.1%

  • Total voters


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
You are way too angry over nothing. Karl got his NRL debut that the Broncos refused him. That's a fact. I know you don't like it, or him - neither do I - but there's no need to get in a tizzy over it. This is his dedicated thread.

Obviously Jock was preferred over him. And given the experience, that makes sense. But here we are with Jock being slagged off over his debut. It's a reasonable question to ask. You answered no. Probably the right answer. I don't know.

It would have been hard for us to give Karl his debut since he's, y'know, not at our club any more. Jock wasn't preferred over him, he's depth, but due to his age, much more likely to be ready to fill in so he got a top 30 spot. There is nothing to suggest, should Karl have worked hard, he wouldn't have got a top 30 spot (which we still have to offer) and a debut. But he fucked us over because his family were impatient, money-hungry deadshits.

And now because we lost a game with Madden filling in, you're trying to tap in to outrage at the Broncos "making a wrong call". To which I say, **** off. **** the **** off. That's scum tactics looking for a reaction from those that don't know your MO.
Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
You are way too angry over nothing. Karl got his NRL debut that the Broncos refused him. That's a fact. I know you don't like it, or him - neither do I - but there's no need to get in a tizzy over it. This is his dedicated thread.

Obviously Jock was preferred over him. And given the experience, that makes sense. But here we are with Jock being slagged off over his debut. It's a reasonable question to ask. You answered no. Probably the right answer. I don't know.

Nice try at twisting my words. I thought I was supposed to be the muckraker.
Jock was brought in to replace Tyson Gamble…

I’m not sure there is an argument Tyson had Karl’s spot, is there?

Strange that it should be perceived that Jock did then, especially as already mentioned we haven’t yet filled our top 30…


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
he fucked us over because his family were impatient, money-hungry deadshits.

you're trying to tap in to outrage at the Broncos "making a wrong call". To which I say, **** off. **** the **** off. That's scum tactics looking for a reaction from those that don't know your MO.
That's a little bit rich. You sound backed up.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
So the Dogs gave Koala Poo what he wanted from the Broncos. Played 47 minutes off the bench in round 9. Did the Broncos do the right thing by prioritizing Madden?

He sounded like a big douche when leaving, so wouldn't want him anyway. By his past comments, it doesn't seem like he would have been happy to wait behind Mam anyway.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
You are way too angry over nothing. Karl got his NRL debut that the Broncos refused him. That's a fact. I know you don't like it, or him - neither do I - but there's no need to get in a tizzy over it. This is his dedicated thread.

Obviously Jock was preferred over him. And given the experience, that makes sense. But here we are with Jock being slagged off over his debut. It's a reasonable question to ask. You answered no. Probably the right answer. I don't know.

Nice try at twisting my words. I thought I was supposed to be the muckraker.
I never twisted your words. You claimed that us signing Jock is what made Karl do what he did and I simply asked you for proof on that. You can’t provide it so rather than saying “yeah you got me I was trying to stir up some controversy” you now claim I am twisting your words.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
fishing method GIF
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
should never have granted his release

...TBH, that's what should have occurred. We should have made him finish what he started. If that meant playing in QCup while he waits for his chance...then so be it.

I think Brisbane were very gracious and honourable in allowing him to leave.....

Maybe Karl will one day realise what these two words actually mean.


QCup Player
Dec 1, 2019
Congrats Karl on the debut, you really deserved it. All that hard work publicly bad mouthing your former club finally paid off.

Seriously though I thought he looked good. He looks strong for his age.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Dogs had 5 halves in their top 30, we had 3.

Who honestly cares, he will never be a 1st choice in either position for us, once reyno retires you think it's smart having a spine consisting of entirely kids?


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Soo fucking glad he left, his self entitled mentality thinking he could be a top 30 player for our team is straight insanity, he is the same age as Mozer and certainty isn't as good as a half as Mozer is a hooker.

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