NEWS Karmichael Hunt to be added to Broncos squad



State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
It was a bitterly ironic comment...

Lockyer wasn’t a big bloke and no-one thought hmmm, what he needs is 15kg of more muscle and weight, and less acceleration, speed and agility, unlike the thoughts of some in recent years...
And locky was always known for his bone crunching defence
Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
And locky was always known for his bone crunching defence
Indeed, but I really can’t get the thinking behind the ‘bulk up’ theory... As with Karmichael, if you want a bigger body to play in the front line, GET a bigger body to play there, don’t take the attributes of an existing good player and throw them away and try and make them something they aren’t...


State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
Indeed, but I really can’t get the thinking behind the ‘bulk up’ theory... As with Karmichael, if you want a bigger body to play in the front line, GET a bigger body to play there, don’t take the attributes of an existing good player and throw them away and try and make them something they aren’t...
There’s nothing wrong with adding some muscle to a sleight frame. It was going to happen naturally anyway I don’t know many blokes in their mid 20’s who maintained the same size as when they were 18/19.

Milf bottled the process though as he added as much chub as he did muscle


QCup Player
Jul 20, 2017
He did drop Mason one time in origin too but I don't think you'll find many big hits by Lockdog.

I was about to bring this up... was a game 3 if I remember correctly, Queensland in the lead but NSW running them down and QLD desperately needing to shift momentum back in their favour.
Mason had been on fire all night and he ran hard at Locky who pushed forward, dug his shoulder in low, picked Mason up and monstered him in a huge, inspiring tackle from the captain which lifted all the boys.

NOTE: Some or all of these details may be inaccurate, but the sentiment was the same regardless.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Hunt to return this week, pending NRL approval:

PNG Broncos fan88

PNG Broncos fan88

NRL Player
Aug 27, 2018
Hunt to return this week, pending NRL approval:

Reed got his pics mixed up, or maybe the caption is wrong.
TJP and the Roosters getting an approval more likely...we all know they are never denied.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Prepping Hunt to take Dearden’s top 30 spot after early release to cows?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Hunt to return this week, pending NRL approval:

The Australian reporting that this deal still hasn't been approved by the NRL ... the salary cap auditors are assessing his true value to the game.

say his salary is one sticking point given it is a train and trial deal, so he'd only be paid $3k per game.

the other issue is whether he ticks all the boxes in relation to the games image, yada yada yada

I also fully expect the Rorters to be permitted to sign a current all black for close to minimum wage with out getting questioned.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
The Australian reporting that this deal still hasn't been approved by the NRL ... the salary cap auditors are assessing his true value to the game.

say his salary is one sticking point given it is a train and trial deal, so he'd only be paid $3k per game.

the other issue is whether he ticks all the boxes in relation to the games image, yada yada yada

I also fully expect the Rorters to be permitted to sign a current all black for close to minimum wage with out getting questioned.

Absolute amateurism all round - journalism, NRL, etc.

I mean, the Warriors have already said they couldn't afford what Perenara was asking but the Roosters are approved to get him for minimum wage and there isn't a mention of this anywhere in the media.

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