Bennett hasn't even officially started and we already know his successor apparently... Amazing
Well, his contract's only 3 years, so his successor will likely come from his assistants next year. Nobody really knows though.
Perils of merging threads.
I'm OK with this. Hard to really be all that vocal about assistant coaches.
What about Corvo?
Now we just need to sign Gilly as defensive coach and we've got a good staff for next season, I'm not sure what Kearney did this season, but he needs to do it better next season.
Maybe we'll just keep him around as a lure for good NZ talent.
Who is Barker? How the hell is Kearney worth keeping around. Bloody derp.
Would bulking up Barba been hook or Corvo's decision ?
How can you be so down on Kearney based on performance but want Gilly- Titans have been terrible in defence for years?
I've got nothing against Gilly- just wondering.