THE COACH Kevin Walters



State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Depends how you look at it. Most of the posts, though emotionally charged at times, had fairly accurate criticisms. I think this thread is a testament to how improved Kev and the whole team are since the threads inception.

I’ll never agree that it was an accurate criticism to have the pitchforks out at the time that they were coming out, given the state of our cap at the time. None of it was of any fault of Kev’s. Even though we weren’t winning at the time, you could see the effort was there, that is of course if you were paying attention to the way we were playing and not the results.

As I said many of times at the time, no coach in the NRL was changing our results in that short of a period of time. Undeniably we as a fanbase expect excellence but in this situation, it was an unreasonable expectation given the state of the club at the time.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
I was mildly upset at the start of the season that we re-signed Kev. Not that I didn’t want him, just that I thought it was premature and we should wait until the season was underway before making such a decision.

Just another example of why I’m a fan and not a club decision maker.

I’ve never not loved Kevvy tho, my favourite player as a kid and I am sooooo stoked that he is the one to turn us around
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Can you think of a better feel good story for Rugby League than this man becoming a premiership winning player and coach, an especially extraordinary achievement that is very rarely seen. A classic "great bloke" persona that everyone at least likes and respects.

I will probably weep if and when I see Kev lift the trophy again, I don't give a **** who knows it. The footy gods are way too cruel to ever gift us such a moment.


NRL Player
May 22, 2022
Depends how you look at it. Most of the posts, though emotionally charged at times, had fairly accurate criticisms. I think this thread is a testament to how improved Kev and the whole team are since the threads inception.
I disagree. The criticism is from impatient children that call for the coaches head as soon as something goes wrong. Kevy is fiercely loyal to the broncos, has done so much for our club. It was wrong of the fans on here to drub him as a shit coach in his first two seasons despite the team improving every year. Most of those fans thankfully have admitted they are wrong. Improving from wooden spooners to 14th and then 9th is respectable progress. Just ask the tigers.

Now that we are in a GF kevy deserves coach of the year.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Depends how you look at it. Most of the posts, though emotionally charged at times, had fairly accurate criticisms.

Dunno...a LOT of the BS was coming because "coach is giving his kid a starting position regardless of form"...which was quite clearly, never the case.


State of Origin Rep
Sep 19, 2012
I'm proud of myself for this post way back when.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I'm proud of myself for this post way back when.

10. The perfect coach. He'll win us a premiership.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
Never gets tiring being right all the time.

Pretend Season 2 GIF by Outlander


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Where does the coaching resurrection job place Kev in the Broncos.

Just like you can mount a case for Mal being the greatest contributor to Queensland Origin I think Kev now has to be in the best Bronco chat.

Not the best player but the best Bronco.

241 games
5 premierships
1 premiership as captain
Coach 74 games at 53%-win rate and a grand final.

I am not including captain/coach role because if you win the comp, you automatically do both, but Kev could join Fulton as a captain-76 and coach-87 of the same club.

Messenger, Kelly, Halloway, Blair, McMillian, Smith, Rayner, Kearney, Provan, Walsh were all captain coach and won premierships.

In the context of a wooden spoon and fixing the place. It's pretty historical.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Where does the coaching resurrection job place Kev in the Broncos.

Just like you can mount a case for Mal being the greatest contributor to Queensland Origin I think Kev now has to be in the best Bronco chat.

Not the best player but the best Bronco.

241 games
5 premierships
1 premiership as captain
Coach 74 games at 53%-win rate and a grand final.

I am not including captain/coach role because if you win the comp, you automatically do both, but Kev could join Fulton as a captain-76 and coach-87 of the same club.

Messenger, Kelly, Halloway, Blair, McMillian, Smith, Rayner, Kearney, Provan, Walsh were all captain coach and won premierships.

In the context of a wooden spoon and fixing the place. It's pretty historical.
Don't forget he's literally given us his own blood in the form of Billy as our hooker.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Where does the coaching resurrection job place Kev in the Broncos.

Just like you can mount a case for Mal being the greatest contributor to Queensland Origin I think Kev now has to be in the best Bronco chat.

Not the best player but the best Bronco.

241 games
5 premierships
1 premiership as captain
Coach 74 games at 53%-win rate and a grand final.

I am not including captain/coach role because if you win the comp, you automatically do both, but Kev could join Fulton as a captain-76 and coach-87 of the same club.

Messenger, Kelly, Halloway, Blair, McMillian, Smith, Rayner, Kearney, Provan, Walsh were all captain coach and won premierships.

In the context of a wooden spoon and fixing the place. It's pretty historical.
He already should have been in the conversation but if we win on the weekend he is a lock in the top 5 somewhere with Cyril, Wayne, Kev, Alfie and Paul Morgan?

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