You are right, there isn't a better available coach. We sacked Bennett, believing Siebold had the Melbourne Storm clinical mind. Total failure.
Kevin has done a lot in regards to that roster overhaul. Arey was a masterstroke.
I again think the roster needs an overhaul. Too much money tied up in marquee players. Hass isn't worth the money. Horse trade him. I wouldn't go into a bidding war for Cobbo or Walsh. We need balance and hardworking tradesmen. Our kick chase and returns are woeful.
I'm not sure of what's available to bring balance back the squad, but I wouldn't be fighting for any off contract players, but Willison or Mozer. Our edge, bench, and backs are a problem. Not too mention Reynolds body is unreliable, and Mam can't play without Reynolds.
Too many fires to fight. I think DD has his work cut out. Kevin is very vulnerable in 2025. I believe he'll be the first coach sacked. I called JD early as well. Could be Benji, but Kevin has fallen very hard. Injuries, dropped ball, and all the other excuses fell away after being schooled by Ciraldo. Night and day between coaches.