Least favourite athlete...

Its a crime to live in the USA....where was Lleyton Hewitt based before he met Bectard? Miami.....pretty sure thats in the USA. Norman is a champ and is trying to keep himself out of the spotlight unlike the Hewitt's who crave it because her acting career is farked and his tennis hasn't been good for years. Tyson is a legend of boxing regardless of the crazy things that have happened, youngest heavyweight champ of all time at a tiime when the division was strong. I don't know a single boxing fan (and I know plenty) who associate him with anything other than his boxing because he was brutal in the ring. Only a moron would claim to be a boxing fan and remember the biting or raping elements and not his amazing feats as a boxer.
FFS. I love boxing and am I Tyson fan but can we cut the "he's only known for his boxing bullshit"? It is impossible to think of Mike and not remember that night he bit Evander's ear off. Sure he was an incredible fighter, perhaps maybe even a top 10 all time heavyweight, but he will be firstly remembered by boxing and non-boxing fans for being DQ for biting a man's ear off.
Every person I talk to about Mike Tyson I talk to them about his boxing, I don't know any boxing fans who remember him for that moment over his boxing. Sure we all know it happened but people who actually watch the sport are less interested in that moment of madness. It would be like remembering Liverpool and Juventus for Heysel and not for their other achievements as clubs.
Every person I talk to about Mike Tyson I talk to them about his boxing, I don't know any boxing fans who remember him for that moment over his boxing. Sure we all know it happened but people who actually watch the sport are less interested in that moment of madness. It would be like remembering Liverpool and Juventus for Heysel and not for their other achievements as clubs.

Sure boxing fans talk about his ring legacy, but without a doubt the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Iron Mike is severed ear.
Not to mention "Rape,eating peoples children quotes".The list goes on.
Can't class him as an animal as i doubt animals would do the things that this gangster thug has done.It puts his boxing of the past in the past and most ardent boxing fans will not discuss the man and his fights anymore nor watch the last fights that he had.

Norman out of the limelight unlike Hewitt you say?I think not seeing as he took over a complete island so as his photos could go to his magazine for money.Made me ill to watch one have so much money and power.Not condemning the guy from living in America at all nor what he has done in his charity work or golf for Australia since he made it onto the circuit.
Now !I am NO Norman fan.

Well done Coxy pick one small remark made in fun about the Hewitts and turn it around&compare it with Norman and his accentClass!!!.Do you know the Hewitts personally cos i don't.I just see two young people in love and happy and don't wish to call Bec a slag or any of the other words used against her because she is married to Hewitt.What proof do any of you have the girl is any of the awful names that she is being called on this forum.Bad taste!
bianc said:
Not to mention "Rape,eating peoples children quotes".The list goes on.
Can't class him as an animal as i doubt animals would do the things that this gangster thug has done.It puts his boxing of the past in the past and most ardent boxing fans will not discuss the man and his fights anymore nor watch the last fights that he had.

Norman out of the limelight unlike Hewitt you say?I think not seeing as he took over a complete island so as his photos could go to his magazine for money.Made me ill to watch one have so much money and power.Not condemning the guy from living in America at all nor what he has done in his charity work or golf for Australia since he made it onto the circuit.
Now !I am NO Norman fan.

Well done Coxy pick one small remark made in fun about the Hewitts and turn it around&compare it with Norman and his accentClass!!!.Do you know the Hewitts personally cos i don't.I just see two young people in love and happy and don't wish to call Bec a slag or any of the other words used against her because she is married to Hewitt.What proof do any of you have the girl is any of the awful names that she is being called on this forum.Bad taste!

Sorry you are wrong. I am a massive boxing fan and I discuss Iron Mike and his achievements in the ring, where he stacks up against other all time great heavy weights and how he would fare in hypothetical match-ups with other fans on a daily basis. I also enjoy watching him fight. Sure he has done some very questionable stuff in his life but he is not the only man to ever make mistakes. In his prime he was the most feared heavy weight champion in history. End of.

Also, the man is not as bad as he would seem. Early in his career he was an extremely nice guy who also showed a huge amount of class and concern for his opponents after his fights. After his fight agaisnt Larry Holmes (the dominant heavy weight of the 80s) he said it was great to get the win against such a great opponent and that he wouldn't have stood a chance against a prime Holmes. The fame and the hype got to him, corrupted his mind and turned him into an aggressive and irrational person.
No, I don't know the Hewitts.
And Jeb, can you frame a market for the odds that bianc knows Greg Norman?

Hence why I think you're an utter hypocrite.
Matter of fact yes Coxy I do know the Greg Norman of Qld not the one I see atm.
So you may keep your insulting name calling to yourself.

Right, so you knew him then, but since he's moved to the US you think he's a twat?
robbie mustoe said:
FFS. I love boxing and am I Tyson fan but can we cut the "he's only known for his boxing bullshit"? It is impossible to think of Mike and not remember that night he bit Evander's ear off. Sure he was an incredible fighter, perhaps maybe even a top 10 all time heavyweight, but he will be firstly remembered by boxing and non-boxing fans for being DQ for biting a man's ear off.

Its really disappointing if you're a boxing fan but remember Tyson for the ear biting incident, if the general population remembers him for that, which they do, its fair enough, but most boxing fans i know should be looking at the man and his achievements, not at the biting incident.

Its like Football fans remember Zidane for the headbutt instead of his football.

Only reason Tyson was crucified for that is because he is Tyson, biting happens in boxing all the time, its a foul, that is all, no one cares about why Tyson bit him, he was getting headbutted numerous times each round, his eye was cut, just like it was in the first fight, but the ref, who's one of Holyfield's best friends outside the ring, did nothing about it, not even a warning, declared the heat butts unintentional, not justifying what he did, but i know the reasons for why he did it.
bianc said:
Not to mention "Rape,eating peoples children quotes".The list goes on.
Can't class him as an animal as i doubt animals would do the things that this gangster thug has done.It puts his boxing of the past in the past and most ardent boxing fans will not discuss the man and his fights anymore nor watch the last fights that he had.

Hahaha you sure are well informed. Another one who judges Tyson by getting their info from a 20 second news flash about him biting someone's ear. :roll:
fenomeno said:
robbie mustoe said:
FFS. I love boxing and am I Tyson fan but can we cut the "he's only known for his boxing bullshit"? It is impossible to think of Mike and not remember that night he bit Evander's ear off. Sure he was an incredible fighter, perhaps maybe even a top 10 all time heavyweight, but he will be firstly remembered by boxing and non-boxing fans for being DQ for biting a man's ear off.

Its really disappointing if you're a boxing fan but remember Tyson for the ear biting incident, if the general population remembers him for that, which they do, its fair enough, but most boxing fans i know should be looking at the man and his achievements, not at the biting incident.

Its like Football fans remember Zidane for the headbutt instead of his football.

Only reason Tyson was crucified for that is because he is Tyson, biting happens in boxing all the time, its a foul, that is all, no one cares about why Tyson bit him, he was getting headbutted numerous times each round, his eye was cut, just like it was in the first fight, but the ref, who's one of Holyfield's best friends outside the ring, did nothing about it, not even a warning, declared the heat butts unintentional, not justifying what he did, but i know the reasons for why he did it.

You can't help but remember the bite. It was such a massive incident. Also, it was totally unprecedented in the sport. You say that biting happens all the time in boxing. This is wrong. You show me another incident where a man loses part of his body in a bout from a bite. Also, saying the Evander was headbutting and wasn't getting warned is not justification.

Also, I think you misunderstand me. When I think of Mike I think of the bite, sure. How can you not? It was such a huge incident. This doesn't mean that when someone asks me my opinion on him I launch into a massive discussion of the bite. I like and remember the guy for his incredible ring achievements, but it can't be helped that the first thing that comes to mind when you think Iron Mike is biting.
robbie mustoe said:
fenomeno said:
[quote="robbie mustoe":eyb080lg]FFS. I love boxing and am I Tyson fan but can we cut the "he's only known for his boxing bullshit"? It is impossible to think of Mike and not remember that night he bit Evander's ear off. Sure he was an incredible fighter, perhaps maybe even a top 10 all time heavyweight, but he will be firstly remembered by boxing and non-boxing fans for being DQ for biting a man's ear off.

Its really disappointing if you're a boxing fan but remember Tyson for the ear biting incident, if the general population remembers him for that, which they do, its fair enough, but most boxing fans i know should be looking at the man and his achievements, not at the biting incident.

Its like Football fans remember Zidane for the headbutt instead of his football.

Only reason Tyson was crucified for that is because he is Tyson, biting happens in boxing all the time, its a foul, that is all, no one cares about why Tyson bit him, he was getting headbutted numerous times each round, his eye was cut, just like it was in the first fight, but the ref, who's one of Holyfield's best friends outside the ring, did nothing about it, not even a warning, declared the heat butts unintentional, not justifying what he did, but i know the reasons for why he did it.

You can't help but remember the bite. It was such a massive incident. Also, it was totally unprecedented in the sport. You say that biting happens all the time in boxing. This is wrong. You show me another incident where a man loses part of his body in a bout from a bite. Also, saying the Evander was headbutting and wasn't getting warned is not justification.

Sure people didn't lose part of their body, and by mentioning the head butts, i wasn't trying to justify what Tyson did, i thought i said that already, the reason i mentioned it is because i can understand why he did it, there was a reason for his retaliation, people don't know that, they just think he went in there, chopped his ear off and thats it, he's a maniac.

Can you put yourself in his shoes at that time and tell me what you would have done? And before you put yourself in his shoes, also make yourself 100 times more aggressive by nature, and imagine that you are sick of your life, sick of being hated, sick of being targeted, sick of being stolen from, sick of being unfairly treated.

Take all that into account and then tell me what you're reaction would have been if you were repeatedly head butted and nothing was being done about it.
Its a fact of life that the negatives in a career get remembered (by the general public) and over reported not the positives. Tyson may have given a down and out bum $100 one day but that wasnt news worthy the bite of the ear was. Maradona may have saved a hedgehog from being run over but thats not news worthy the hand ball goal in the biggest football tournament in the world was. Liverpool may have been the best team in the world during the 70's but Heysel and Hillsborough made more news due to 100+ people loosing their life.

Do people remember Ben Johnson as the once fastest man in the world? no way he was a guy who got caught taking performance enhancing drugs at the olympics!
fenomeno said:
robbie mustoe said:
fenomeno said:
[quote="robbie mustoe":3sqd3wvs]FFS. I love boxing and am I Tyson fan but can we cut the "he's only known for his boxing bullshit"? It is impossible to think of Mike and not remember that night he bit Evander's ear off. Sure he was an incredible fighter, perhaps maybe even a top 10 all time heavyweight, but he will be firstly remembered by boxing and non-boxing fans for being DQ for biting a man's ear off.

Its really disappointing if you're a boxing fan but remember Tyson for the ear biting incident, if the general population remembers him for that, which they do, its fair enough, but most boxing fans i know should be looking at the man and his achievements, not at the biting incident.

Its like Football fans remember Zidane for the headbutt instead of his football.

Only reason Tyson was crucified for that is because he is Tyson, biting happens in boxing all the time, its a foul, that is all, no one cares about why Tyson bit him, he was getting headbutted numerous times each round, his eye was cut, just like it was in the first fight, but the ref, who's one of Holyfield's best friends outside the ring, did nothing about it, not even a warning, declared the heat butts unintentional, not justifying what he did, but i know the reasons for why he did it.

You can't help but remember the bite. It was such a massive incident. Also, it was totally unprecedented in the sport. You say that biting happens all the time in boxing. This is wrong. You show me another incident where a man loses part of his body in a bout from a bite. Also, saying the Evander was headbutting and wasn't getting warned is not justification.

Sure people didn't lose part of their body, and by mentioning the head butts, i wasn't trying to justify what Tyson did, i thought i said that already, the reason i mentioned it is because i can understand why he did it, there was a reason for his retaliation, people don't know that, they just think he went in there, chopped his ear off and thats it, he's a maniac.

Can you put yourself in his shoes at that time and tell me what you would have done? And before you put yourself in his shoes, also make yourself 100 times more aggressive by nature, and imagine that you are sick of your life, sick of being hated, sick of being targeted, sick of being stolen from, sick of being unfairly treated.

Take all that into account and then tell me what you're reaction would have been if you were repeatedly head butted and nothing was being done about it.[/quote:3sqd3wvs]

Look, I'm not defending or condemning what Mike did. I can't imagine what I would have done in the situation and it's not really relevant. The point I am making is that Mike and the biting incident are inseperable in the minds of boxing and non-boxing fans. I know some boxing fans who absolutely worship Tyson and I am sure that if asked they would say that night and that bite is the first thing they associate with him. It doesn't take away from his achievements in the sport.
robbie mustoe said:
fenomeno said:
[quote="robbie mustoe":298mnnld]
fenomeno said:
[quote="robbie mustoe":298mnnld]FFS. I love boxing and am I Tyson fan but can we cut the "he's only known for his boxing bullshit"? It is impossible to think of Mike and not remember that night he bit Evander's ear off. Sure he was an incredible fighter, perhaps maybe even a top 10 all time heavyweight, but he will be firstly remembered by boxing and non-boxing fans for being DQ for biting a man's ear off.

Its really disappointing if you're a boxing fan but remember Tyson for the ear biting incident, if the general population remembers him for that, which they do, its fair enough, but most boxing fans i know should be looking at the man and his achievements, not at the biting incident.

Its like Football fans remember Zidane for the headbutt instead of his football.

Only reason Tyson was crucified for that is because he is Tyson, biting happens in boxing all the time, its a foul, that is all, no one cares about why Tyson bit him, he was getting headbutted numerous times each round, his eye was cut, just like it was in the first fight, but the ref, who's one of Holyfield's best friends outside the ring, did nothing about it, not even a warning, declared the heat butts unintentional, not justifying what he did, but i know the reasons for why he did it.

You can't help but remember the bite. It was such a massive incident. Also, it was totally unprecedented in the sport. You say that biting happens all the time in boxing. This is wrong. You show me another incident where a man loses part of his body in a bout from a bite. Also, saying the Evander was headbutting and wasn't getting warned is not justification.

Sure people didn't lose part of their body, and by mentioning the head butts, i wasn't trying to justify what Tyson did, i thought i said that already, the reason i mentioned it is because i can understand why he did it, there was a reason for his retaliation, people don't know that, they just think he went in there, chopped his ear off and thats it, he's a maniac.

Can you put yourself in his shoes at that time and tell me what you would have done? And before you put yourself in his shoes, also make yourself 100 times more aggressive by nature, and imagine that you are sick of your life, sick of being hated, sick of being targeted, sick of being stolen from, sick of being unfairly treated.

Take all that into account and then tell me what you're reaction would have been if you were repeatedly head butted and nothing was being done about it.[/quote:298mnnld]

Look, I'm not defending or condemning what Mike did. I can't imagine what I would have done in the situation and it's not really relevant. The point I am making is that Mike and the biting incident are inseperable in the minds of boxing and non-boxing fans. I know some boxing fans who absolutely worship Tyson and I am sure that if asked they would say that night and that bite is the first thing they associate with him. It doesn't take away from his achievements in the sport.[/quote:298mnnld]

Thats fair enough, people, boxing fans or non boxing fans can think what they want, but i personally never bother mentioning Tyson's ear bite when i talk to someone about Tyson unless the other person mentions it first.
1. Lleyton Hewitt
2. Geelong Cats team (apart from Tom Harley)
3. Brett Lee
4. Michael Phelps
5. Emily Seebohm

AAW so many to name but I also must mention Roger Federer and David Beckham. I dont know what all the fuss with him is. Hes just so full himelf it pisses me off!