Matt Lodge Discussion

This video is headlining the national news down here. The report also mentioned that NRMA Insurance are considering their options as far as sponsorship goes. Maybe signing this guy wasn't a great idea after all considering the Broncos are the highest of high profile clubs. Personally, I couldn't give a shit about his personal life, he is obviously a massive dickhead but if he helps the Broncos win a premiership, then all the other stuff is meaningless. But as long as he is playing a high profile sport and continues to have this outstanding debt, then the media will continue to hammer him.

I’m sure the broncos won’t struggle to fill the nrma void of sponsorship if they quit over this. Also didn’t we sign him like 5 months ago, what’s taken them so long to make this decision
This video is headlining the national news down here. The report also mentioned that NRMA Insurance are considering their options as far as sponsorship goes. Maybe signing this guy wasn't a great idea after all considering the Broncos are the highest of high profile clubs. Personally, I couldn't give a shit about his personal life, he is obviously a massive dickhead but if he helps the Broncos win a premiership, then all the other stuff is meaningless. But as long as he is playing a high profile sport and continues to have this outstanding debt, then the media will continue to hammer him.

Were there any quotes from NRMA?
I’m sure the broncos won’t struggle to fill the nrma void of sponsorship if they quit over this. Also didn’t we sign him like 5 months ago, what’s taken them so long to make this decision
It might be some more media driven bullshit. They didn't actually interview anyone from the company. Not sure if major sponsors are that easy to secure, RL has always had an image problem not helped by it's own media. It is a game that is constantly at war with itself. Hopefully NRMA continue on as the major sponsors, a lot of these stories will die down once the action on the field begins.
The article I read on fox sports quoted the victims as saying they were happy for him to continue playing rugby, presumably because it would put lodge in a position to be able to pay the money.

Yep, i saw that, but if they actually are why go to the press? They should just let him get on with it, and once he is earning decent money speak out if he isnt paying.

Its all a complete beat up imo. Who has been sitting on that video of him with what he did on that night that has just been released all this time later? This isnt a defence of Lodge either, he needs to deal with all of this, i just find it a bit off its being released now. Its like the crap with Cameron Smith just before Origin all over again.
I hear they'll be releasing video of him writing **** on his tape tomorrow
The other thing that should be said here is that it is not like the "victims" will see Lodge on TV constantly, he won't be always in their faces ...

This happened in the US ... and it is not like Lodge is an NFL star, he plays rugby league in a different country ... hell the "victims" probably don't even know what rugby league is ...
The other thing that should be said here is that it is not like the "victims" will see Lodge on TV constantly, he won't be always in their faces ...

This happened in the US ... and it is not like Lodge is an NFL star, he plays rugby league in a different country ... hell the "victims" probably don't even know what rugby league is ...

They are just upset they have not got the huge financial windfall they were hoping for.
Of course the CCTV hits the airwaves less than a week out from round 1. Of course. The media are shameless.
He looks obviously heavily intoxicated, but if any of those hay-makers actually made contact, we could be talking about a whole different story, because punches can and do kill.
This may be comical to see, but it is still assault, trespassing, home invasion and whatever other offences he committed once inside the apartment. I cannot believe how people are making light of it.

We also might be talking about his tragic death if any of those cops decided to shoot him as soon as he threw a bottle at them. Lucky for him he didn't grab a kitchen knife instead or something...

We are at the mercy of the victims' story in regards to what happened inside of course, but without trying to diminish the kid's angst, they do seem to be more interested in Lodge playing his trade in the NRL, so that he can "take responsibility" (read pay $1.6M) for his actions.

I do wonder whether it is true that he has not acknowledged and apologised for his actions... Is there a legal reason for it, where it would make him criminally liable or something, given the civil case has run its course?
Pete Badel just posted "EXCLUSIVE: The leaked letter that shows Matt Lodge apologised to US victims. Lawyers rejected three compensation offers."

So everything we have heard about him not showing remorse is bullshit. Hopefully we get some apologies from some in the media. He's doing far more to make up for what he did than we know or have been told.
Honestly it's embarrassing to have this guy on our team, yes we need him but its a black eye for the Broncos.

If he was in any other state he would've been shot after throwing something at the police.

No he would have not been shot, if he was Sam Thaiday's complexion there is a good chance he would have been shot regardless of state.

Leave Lodge be honestly, he did what he did and he has a chance for redemption. I wasn't there l have **** all idea what went down. He fucked up and he knows it; entirely possible he has matured and gained some fucking emotional intelligence. I was a loose AF in my early 20's, this guy never worked a day in his life before, from year 12 to full time training; l can't imagine how that would have felt. Does he deserve a second chance? Time will tell.
No he would have not been shot, if he was Sam Thaiday's complexion there is a good chance he would have been shot regardless of state.

Leave Lodge be honestly, he did what he did and he has a chance for redemption. I wasn't there l have **** all idea what went down. He fucked up and he knows it; entirely possible he has matured and gained some fucking emotional intelligence. I was a loose AF in my early 20's, this guy never worked a day in his life before, from year 12 to full time training; l can't imagine how that would have felt. Does he deserve a second chance? Time will tell.
You know that as of February 2018, 47 white people have been shot and killed by police compared to 23 black people and 17 Hispanic people in the US?
Letter proves Matt Lodge apologised but New York couple says NRL and Brisbane Broncos ‘should be ashamed’

March 2, 2018

BRISBANE Broncos forward Matt Lodge penned a letter to his American victims apologising for his drunken rampage and has had three compensation offers rejected by US lawyers.

The National Rugby League came under fresh attack yesterday for registering Lodge’s contract with the Broncos after his furious US victims spoke out, slamming the NRL’s handling of the affair.

Channel Nine last night released footage of Lodge’s night of shame in October 2015, when he was arrested by New York police for invading the home of couple Ruth Fowler and Joseph Cartright.

The footage shows Lodge throwing a series of wild punches at Cartright inside the couple’s apartment before nine policemen arrive to detain the 116kg forward.

Mrs Fowler and Mr Cartright yesterday blasted the NRL and Lodge, claiming he has never apologised for his actions, nor tried to pay a cent in a $1.6 million damages bill issued against him in a US civil lawsuit.

But this letter, written by Lodge and exclusively obtained by The Courier-Mail, is proof the 23-year-old apologised to his victims, including Fowler and Cartright.

Lodge penned the apology on February 22, 2016 – four months after his New York rampage.

In the letter, sent to New York Assistant District Attorney Christopher Hirsch, Lodge asks for his apology to be passed on to his victims, speaks of his remorse and vows to never offend again.

“Firstly, I want to tell them (the victims) that I am deeply sorry for my actions,” Lodge writes.

“My conduct was unacceptable and I take full responsibility.

“I was highly intoxicated that night but the events that led me to that state were immature and easily avoidable. I am embarrassed and ashamed that this incident occurred.

“I remember very little from that night, but I do know right from wrong. I want to make it clear that the person who they saw and encountered on that night is not who I am when I am sober, nor who I want to be.

“While I cannot undo what happened, I can assure them that I will never be involved in another incident like this.

“I am truly sorry for the harm that I caused. Thank you for sending this letter to the victims.”

Following his arrest, Lodge spent time in New York’s infamous Rikers Island prison. He was originally charged with a felony-burglary-causing-injury count which carried a minimum of five years’ jail and a maximum of 25 years.

But in a plea deal signed in December 2015 with prosecutors, Lodge entered a guilty plea to a misdemeanour count of reckless assault.

To avoid a one-year jail sentence Lodge was ordered to complete 200 hours of community service in Australia, receive alcohol abuse and anger treatment, abstain from alcohol and illegal drugs and submit to testing and avoid another arrest.

Since his arrest, Lodge has not consumed alcohol and sends regular urine samples to the NRL.

In an exclusive interview with The Courier-Mail last year, Lodge revealed he had contacted US lawyers with several offers to broker a compensation figure. He says each offer was rejected, with US lawyers suggesting he sign a big-money deal with French rugby clubs.

Lodge’s one-year contract this year with the Broncos is worth $85,000.

“I offered to take out a small bank loan to do the right thing and pay them off, but it seems they are just after the big bucks,” he told The Courier-Mail.

“I’ve tried to explain to them that NRL players don’t get paid like players in the NFL ... or they would already have their money.”

In his letter, Lodge claims he will always carry psychological scars from an incident he will forever regret.

“Not a day goes by when I don’t think about what I did,” he said.

“Since my release from (a rehabilitation) program in Australia, I am continuing with my outpatient treatment ... I cannot imagine what I put them through that night.”

Cartright and Fowler said the footballer who terrorised them and their young son in their home did not deserve to be representing a top-tier football club.

Lodge beat Mr Cartright while Ms Fowler and the couple’s then nine-year-old son Harry cowered in a bathroom as he stormed through their apartment breaking furniture. During the attack, which came as the family was sleeping at 4am, Harry said: “Mum, I’m too young to die”.

“He has never apologised, he has shown no remorse and he has not taken any responsibility for what he put us through,” Ms Fowler said.

“It was terrifying. We were scared for our lives. We are still dealing with it, our son especially.

“We have had to have family therapy and there are little things like he is still nervous when the doorbell rings. And we have to move from a neighbourhood that we lived in for 20 years.

“It was absolutely like something out of a horror movie.”

Broncos CEO Paul White said: “He has satisfied the fit-and-proper person test as set down by the NRL, who have ratified his return to the top level of the game.

“Matt has also recently become a father, and is a far more mature and responsible person who has learned from his mistakes, and is truly sorry for what he did.

“The Broncos believe he is now on the right path and will continue to support him in every way going forward.”

Source: Courier Mail

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