OFFICIAL Margaux Parker doesn't announce that Corey will play the 9s

Who's that?
Fantastic if true. Looking forward to the tears from opposition supporters about how we are obviously cheating the cap to be able to sign one of our own players.
This will be purely sponsorship related

They're talking it up as big as they can to get high engagement for their new partner.

I can only imagine she said it in a joking manner and that it will be meant as humorous. Which won’t back fire at all when we all get overhyped and disappointed.

The way triple m are plugging it, it certainly sounds like it’s just going to be a joke.
Sponsorship with Beefys pies as exclusive catering partner to the coaching staff
In the interests of expansion, rather than move one of the teams out of Sydney the NRL has decided to relocate the Broncos to Perth. Heard that from Braith Anastas cousins pizza delivery guy. Expect a write up from Badel prior to 7am tomorrow.
7 am seems a bit early for the "biggest announcement in Broncos history" ... aren't these things usually done at 10am
-Salary cap abolished
-NQ done for salary cap infringements in 2015 and we are recognized as premiers.
-Darren Lockyer out of retirement
-we've been bought by Man City
no thanks we'll be spending our pre seasons in dubai every year.
7 am seems a bit early for the "biggest announcement in Broncos history" ... aren't these things usually done at 10am

It won't actually be announced at 7AM. That's when the broadcast will start but they will drag it out.

It will be like those articles on Facebook where the caption is like, 'One man goes fishing and you won't believe what he caught!' And then it will be one of those articles where you have to keep clicking next and they drag it out as long as possible to keep getting clicks. With a lot of people, curiosity will get the better of them and they will stick around until it's revealed.
I endured the 40 minute replay of today's episode and nothing.

I thought the Super Dave prediction would be right in line, but now I think it probably has something to do closer to home.
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