Matt Lodge Discussion

I think this is going to be the routine for a while. In a week where we play like crap, it will be all focus on the Broncos suck, poor recruiting, Coach has lost the dressing room, coach is past it, club is looking to replace the coach etc etc ad nauseam. In a week where we win and play well, it will be Lodge or Jimmy or whatever other dirt they can dig up.

It really is starting to look like a campaign, maybe Wayne was closer to the mark in the post-match interview than we realize.
Don't be ridiculous. Wayne has no ideas left.
Look what happened when they stood someone down based on allegations. Brett Stewart was crucified unfairly. Luckily, they didn't stand down SKD and Semi Radradra.
Whilst I'm a little tired of the media rehashing the lodge stories, especially in the light that it was for an incident 3+ years ago in a different team under a different coach after a major period of exclusion from the game, I find the articles tie-in of "thuggish" unions a cheap shop at most of us working class people. To tar us all with the same brush, particularly in the light of other, far darker practices of employers (everything from deliberately docking pay to below minimum wage, auctioning jobs, deliberately illegal discrimination, and even directly bullying employees for sexual favours, among the host of recent allegations), establishes the kind of effuse, overt clouding of issues, that the Mathew Lodge saga is a prime example. Rather than make a direct and concise criticism, the writer of the article just drags up the same old "propaganda" and we are expected to buy it. All with the banal (and quite useless I might say, as he doesn't in any way offer any real defence of Lodge, his actions, his atonement in a productive manner) excuse of offering a counterpoint.
The Premier's criticism of Lodge also lacks any real credibility, not because of union links, "thuggish" or otherwise, but simply because it inherently is a product of jumping on a political bandwagon without examining the issue in its entirety. She has the power, through legislation to act in law, that no-one is offered the chance to rebuild their lives through the resumption of their career of choice, by simply banning all professional athletes and officials guilty of a crime ever! For that matter, why not politicians, doctors, lawyers and most importantly, business leaders. She chooses not to. Could it be, that we value human beings in spite of their flaws? We as a society accept that some of us will make mistakes, in Lodge's case a grave one (though others, under less scrutiny had done worse), yet find value in redemption and forgiveness.
As it is, some people are revoked their rights to pursue their profession because their actions have cause to dissuade society's trust in the individual in those roles. Convicted paedophiles are not allowed in jobs involving children. Criminal theft precludes a person from the financial industry. Whilst the legal profession has strict tenants on criminal behaviour.
Does Lodge's action preclude him from the role of a professional sportsman? That's a legitimate argument. But why stop there? Why not actors, musicians, business leaders and dare i say it journalists? They too are all within the public sphere, yet their opinions are somehow immune from the same scrutiny. Why? Let those who are innocent cast the first stone.
Recently, I've become really disillusioned with media. I'm glad to see not all journalists are massive scumbags.
Apparently this guy is not a league journo though... shows how far down into the clickbait cesspool these sports journalists have fallen and away from the sport itself
  1. Apparently this guy is not a league journo though... shows how far down into the clickbait cesspool these sports journalists have fallen and away from the sport itself
    They are journos - media fullstop. Bennett - love him or loath him worked them out years ago.
    There are 500 odd nrl players that are able to earn them a dollar or two if they step out of line. Yes it’s not the great tries or tackles that'll do it, it’s the shady bars, the drunken parties they seek. Good news never makes a paper sell, or so Williamson song went, he’s right. Stopped buying and reading the Courier-Mail 18 mths ago - best decision.
Does anyone even read the papers anymore? Give it 10 years or so before they are forced into becoming digital content only in line with technology and they are seen pandering to the lowest common denominator gravelling for monthly subscriptions using pathetic click bait to keep their charade going. Once people actually cotton on that their is better content on the internet free of charge that is free of propaganda and just straight out lies and bullshit, the sooner they are phased out to nothing
I can’t speak for everyone but all I know is the more this shit show keeps carrying on, the more I endear and start to like Lodge even more. Even if I wasn’t a broncos fan I reckon this bullying tactic the media are abusing would have the same affect on me as a neutral.

Do these idiots honestly think if they keep pushing this agenda and bringing up old stories that it is going to achieve their ultimate goal which is either Lodge being rubbed out of the game (which isn’t happening) or trying to tarnish the big bad broncos reputation? Someone might want to tell the media what happened when they tried this tactic against Trump in the US elections. Eventually if Lodge keeps doing the right things and makes amends and the media still want to ignorantly bash him, more people will start siding with Lodge in spite of the media.

I can’t wait for the annual media tradition of bashing QLD before origin where all they succeed in doing is gifting QLD more motivation and inevitably sending NSW back with their tail between their legs. Rinse and repeat. No one seems to learn.
As much as I am loathe to link to this stuff anymore, it looks like somebody has been a little loose with the truth.

Lodge denies ex-girlfriend assault claims

BRISBANE footballer Matt Lodge has maintained claims he has never assaulted “any woman” as it emerged ex-partner Charlene Saliba told lawyers that he had never hit her and called him her “best friend”.

The Broncos prop has responded to explosive allegations from Ms Saliba, who claimed that she feared for her life during their two-year relationship that allegedly included verbal abuse, stalking, intimidation and physical attacks.

She has stood by her claims in The Sunday Mail saying: “To be clear, Lodge hit me before a witness and nothing in the unsigned statement changes that. These are absurd and hurtful accusations given what we know about the nature of domestic violence. They also show a lack of understanding of abusive relationships.”

But in correspondence to Lodge’s friend in 2015, Ms Saliba declared she had made a “huge mistake” by taking out an AVO against the prop and begs for him to contact her.

Lodge, who was cleared to return to the NRL in November, has broken his silence on the ordeal.

In an unsigned written statement by Ms Saliba sent to Lodge’s lawyer, the Sydney schoolteacher says: “In summary, Matthew Lodge has never hit or punched me”.

The statement was dated January 12, 2016, five months after Ms Saliba was interviewed by NSW police following an alleged assault by Lodge on August 20, 2015.

A text message also was sent from Ms Saliba to Lodge’s friend on September 8, 2015 – almost three weeks after the alleged attack. In it, Ms Saliba pleads for the friend to ask Lodge to contact her, saying: “I’m struggling. I miss him. I’ve made a huge mistake. I wish I could take it all back. I don’t know what to do. I just want my best friend back.”

Ms Saliba was reported on Sunday that she was caught in a cycle of domestic violence with Lodge, but the Broncos forward yesterday claimed she repeatedly contacted him for two years after their break-up.

“I stand by my belief that I have never hit any woman,” he said. “I stand by my version of events. I told the police I never hit her and in her statement, she says that I never hit her.

“She took out an AVO (Apprehended Violence Order) against me, but still kept contacting me. I told her she shouldn’t be contacting me.

“I just want us to both move on with our lives. Our relationship ended three years ago. I now have a partner and a young son. We are happy and it’s all pretty embarrassing for us. I don’t support domestic violence in any way.”

Lodge is adamant that he does not want to publicly shame Ms Saliba.

“I never wanted to get into a public slanging match with Charlene,” he said. “But the truth is two years after we broke up, she was still texting me and calling me. I asked her to get on with her life.”

Court documents show that on August 20, 2015, police arrested Lodge and charged him with eight domestic violence-related offences against Ms Saliba, including common assault, stalking/intimidation and damaging property.

Police obtained an AVO on Ms Saliba’s behalf. In May, 2016, Lodge pleaded guilty to one of the charges of common assault in Parramatta Local Court in Sydney.

Asked why he pleaded guilty to assault when he publicly claims he never hit Ms Saliba, Lodge said: “The truth is I didn’t want to plead guilty. I argued with my barrister about it. I denied all eight charges and my legal advice was to plead guilty to the one charge which, according to my barrister, was on the minor end of the scale.

“My barrister said if I didn’t plead guilty it would drag on for a long time. I couldn’t afford to keep paying legal bills. I was 18 years old so I just wanted it over and done with so that’s what I did.”

In her 2016 statement, Ms Saliba says she twice tried to amend her statement in a Facts Sheet filed with Blacktown police, but was denied.

She disputed that Lodge pulled her hair and said he did not rip out an earring as originally claimed. In the statement, Ms Saliba says she felt “pressured” by police interviewers “to agree to have experienced immediate pain” following the alleged attack in August 2015.

In relation to an alleged assault, Ms Saliba wrote: “Matthew did slap my right side of the face, with the intention for it to be light, which it was and it did not mark. During the interview (with police), I was prompted and encouraged to remember and describe the feeling.”

He described the slap as “sarcastic” and said no harm was intended. In an appeal in September, 2016, the NSW District Court recorded no conviction against Lodge and gave him a two-year good behaviour bond.
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May as well start buying people mag (is it still around) or the like , at least they have some good sorts to look at.
Then again the way the CM is going it won't be long before they have the titties on page 3.
Look what happened when they stood someone down based on allegations. Brett Stewart was crucified unfairly. Luckily, they didn't stand down SKD and Semi Radradra.
They stood Stewart down because he was drunk; not because of the allegations.

That was the NRL’s story and they stuck to it (despite it sounding like bullshit).
They stood Stewart down because he was drunk; not because of the allegations.

That was the NRL’s story and they stuck to it (despite it sounding like bullshit).
It not only sounded like it - it was.
That's one mighty fine legal system we have. Plead guilty, its all you can afford.
So the CM today have a story disputing some of the facts of Sunday's story. They had all the info before Sunday but drip fed that over 3 days.
They just keep achieving new lows with this story.
I've just cancelled my weekend papers and i will never purchase a CM again.
Anyone else think the quasi-modelling shoot in her story was odd?

It was give the story a credibility which was not born out by the facts.

Ps I don’t call people who hit me my “best friend” not do I give statements which say “he never hit me”.

The media need to drop this story.

It’s going nowhere - the NRL has made up its mind.

Ps based on the reported incidents - Packer ‘a offence seems far worse and all we get is fucking redemption stories....