Milford's Magic Moments



International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Did he tear apart the eels one year? I have it in my head he was ripping them to shreds, but I could be wrong.


NYC Player
Nov 18, 2019
Whilst we are doing memory things, why did we get smashed by dragons in the semis in 2017? I remember thinking we were smokeys for the comp
It was 2018 wasn't it? Wayne's last game.
My feelings are that the players were affected by all the back room stuff with Bennett going on, and if I remember (it only came out after game) Milford went into it with a bung shoulder.
All that noise meant that just didn't get up for the game.


Aug 24, 2017
It was 2018 wasn't it? Wayne's last game.
My feelings are that the players were affected by all the back room stuff with Bennett going on, and if I remember (it only came out after game) Milford went into it with a bung shoulder.
All that noise meant that just didn't get up for the game.
Was that the year half the team got Ubers straight to Suncorp after feeding pineapples to the casino slots and sinking 100 tinnies (cruisers?) each?


State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
Was that the year half the team got Ubers straight to Suncorp after feeding pineapples to the casino slots and sinking 100 tinnies (cruisers?) each?
No that was the following year against Parra iirc?
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
2017 was over the moment the Eels flogged them at Suncorp Stadium. It appeared the injury to McCullough may have been a blessing in disguise for the Broncos as Hunt was playing quality football there. However, the Eels exposed just how brittle the Broncos were and Brisbane just allowed Radradra to run riot in a game that Brisbane should have won and won comfortably given the injuries the Eels had as well (no Gutho).

After that Boyd picked up that hamstring injury that effectively ruined his career and they were sitting ducks come the finals. I don't think the 30-0 scoreline was a fair reflection of that Melbourne Storm contest. It was 8-0 after 60 minutes and the one Storm try was against the run of play. Brisbane just didn't take their opportunities and Boyd had to come off at that point which is when the floodgates opened.

I thought Bennett did a remarkable job of getting Brisbane into the 2018 finals all things considered. Nothing came easy that year for the Broncos but in the big games the Corey Oates' and Tevita Pangai Jrs would step up and lead the way. That was enough in the regular season but come the finals it's a different ball game and Brisbane just weren't ready for it. I remember early on James Graham clearly came from an offside position to put a big shot on Josh McGuire and got away with it - I knew Brisbane would be up to their necks in it.

The Dragons did a great job of getting under the skin of the Broncos and in the shadows of half-time just rolled Brisbane. Brisbane had a few things go against them, they lost Ofahengaue really early who was believe it or not one of their best players at the time. There were other issues but it just resulted in this spectacular meltdown that somehow was topped the following year.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
My favourite moment was when he trolled Cameron Smith in the return game in the 2016 season. Here's Smithy who pushes every rule and Milford wins a penalty by throwing it into an offside player. I'd never seen Smith so tilted before, it was glorious to see.

This for me, was amazing.


Jun 27, 2020
I must admit, even though I travelled all the way down to Sydney to watch the gf in 2015. I was bitterly disappointed with the result, especially after watching the jets have a win. But milf played extremely well & even though hunt had a brain explosion, you could not deny the great season we had.
Normally you would hope a team would rise to the occasion the following year, but it just seemed to rob them of all belief in themselves. Sport can be very cruel.


State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
Nah he got shitcanned for Roberts iirc.

Yeah Oates was the one who came in off his wing and everything.

He wasn't in the GF team, but he was here in 2015.


QCup Player
Nov 28, 2019
Milf has seemed to really lost his speed after watching that clip.

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