Milford's Magic Moments



International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
If you're decent with photoshop, put something appropriate over his head and I will go with it


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Milf has seemed to really lost his speed after watching that clip.
What was the cause of him losing speed? Got rich and put on weight or just his genetics?


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Whilst we are doing memory things, why did we get smashed by dragons in the semis in 2017? I remember thinking we were smokeys for the comp
Go back to 2016, the team was humming along until some bullshit fractured the playing group. Something about McGuire being a rat, amongst other things.

I've never been so furious at a team throwing away a season like that. And to think Bennett ultimately never fixed it and the problems festered and resulted in absolute smashings over the next couple of years.

After 2015 we were never serious contenders again.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Go back to 2016, the team was humming along until some bullshit fractured the playing group. Something about McGuire being a rat, amongst other things.

I've never been so furious at a team throwing away a season like that. And to think Bennett ultimately never fixed it and the problems festered and resulted in absolute smashings over the next couple of years.

After 2015 we were never serious contenders again.

Yep we were looking like the current Panthers that year and then it all fell apart and was probably when Milf started his downward trend too.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
Yep we were looking like the current Panthers that year and then it all fell apart and was probably when Milf started his downward trend too.
I thought we did well in 2016. Just lost to the cowboys in the dying minutes (story of our lives). We would have beaten the sharks the following week.

I feel it started going down when Hunt left. Still a top 8 team though, but once sielbod came in and got rid of all our experience for these kids, that's when we really fell off the cliff.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
I thought we did well in 2016. Just lost to the cowboys in the dying minutes (story of our lives). We would have beaten the sharks the following week.
The cracks were there early on and a couple of members can attest to calling it out early. I remember @lynx000 was very quick to call it out and it manifested itself in performances like the Round 3 loss to Penrith.

Even in some of the wins like the Round 5 clash against the Gold Coast or the Round 6 clash against St George Brisbane had an opportunity to rack up huge scorelines but somehow managed to turn a 26-0 performance against the Dragons as a really underwhelming win.

Those were warning signs but they became significant problems later on during the Origin period where players like Milford, Hunt etc. really struggled which was a stark contrast from 2015 where they relished that period and built momentum from there. In fact you could pin point that win in Melbourne against a depleted Melbourne side as the first sign that Brisbane had premiership credentials. Flip to 2016 and Brisbane suffered a then record home loss to Melbourne.

I just think it was a case of if you're not going forwards then you're going backwards and the Broncos were found out.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Getting a million a year then vanishing. Sorry, I find it very hard to look at his positive movements when he's been on a long term mega deal (biggest ever for the club) and decided to fall asleep 18 months into the 4 years. He's been the biggest contract fail ever, other than Bird but at least it wasn't his fault.

My favourite moment is definitely when he was dropped the first time, second only to being dropped again.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
I think Milford was exceptional in 2016 until the origin teams were named and he missed out.

Prior to that Milford was every bit a star playmaker and was completely owning the team .... I would love to see some replays of those early games to make sure I'm not fantasizing about something that didn't exist.

I feel after the origin snub he fell off a cliff. Either a loss of confidence or just flat out sulking. He ended up doing his shoulder and finishing the year in the rehab group.

From there I believe Bhunt signed his dragons deal in early 2017 and to me i felt that Bennett looked to pivot and effectively make Milford his halfback.

I felt this was actually paying off at times throughout 2017 and thought 2016 Milf was actually showing signs of a guy that could be the halfback and lead playmaker moving forward. However I think throughout 2017 there was too much distraction around Bhunt and perhaps a lack of planning for who was going to be Milf's halves partner from that point on.

- Bhunt got dropped and then moved to hooker and then back to halfback (I think??).
- Broncos signed Bird... however this seemed odd as he didn't seem to be an answer for a Milf halves pairing
- Broncos chased hard for Taylor only to miss out due to a million dollar bid from titans
- Bennett then pivoted and proclaimed that Knik would be the halfback next year and that was the end of it

Milf did his shoulder again and finished the year in rehab.... again this was a big sliding doors moment as Milf missed an entire off season to effectively transition to being a halfback.

2018 rolled around and the halves pairing was Milford and Knik.... I think a mistake may have been made here only because it looked like Knik was given the halfback responsibilities. That may sound tongue in cheek, but I feel that Bennett really could've doubled down and went whole hog on making Milf the halfback.

He had been the prime playmaker since 2016 at that point and Knik always looked a 6 rather than a 7. I think by the end of 2018 Milf was taking ownership again, but there appeared to be confusion around who was in control of the halves and who was the dominant half.

I'd say we probably also committed wholly to the split halves at this point largely limiting Milf to the left side of the field. I recall the middle forward being a pseudo halfback was in full effect across the comp from 2016 onwards.

Throughout 2018 there was massive unrest across the squad with the Bennett / Seibold saga effectively starting from July 2018 onwards. Ultimately we would get up and perform against higher placed teams but fall in a heap against weaker teams... only to be flogged and kicked out of the finals by a poor dragons team in front of 40k at Suncorp.

I'd say for the entirety of Seibold's reign that he never wanted Milf.... I think he wanted Dearden to debut and takeover the 7 jersey halfway through 2019... which is why Knik wanted to move, and he would see how a Milf / Dearden partnership would go.

Dearden came in and got injured right when he was starting to look good (game vs Titans he got injured 8mins in). At that point Knik was gone and we were fucked with no halves depth, eventually finishing with Turps and Boyd in the halves and Milf playing 1, 6 & 7 from fullback.

I'd say Milf lost any sort of faith he had in Seibold throughout that year and it was probably the end of Seibold from that point on, as Boyd looked all but done with Seibold as well. Experience was gone and the remaining senior players had no faith in Seibold.

I thought 2020 we started well... you could see that Seibold got the team up to standard and gave them some tips in defence with tactical penalties (what roosters use inside their own 10m to halt momentum)... but covid hit and the game change where tactical penalties didn't matter anymore. We didn't have the smarts in the team to adapt and que one of the worst NRL performances by a team in the NRL era. I thought despite Milf's try vs rabbits in round 2 that he looked largely disinterested. Seibold brought Croft in to become his 7 and only ever talked about Dearden... effectively Milford had been given the tap by Seibold that he was done at the Broncos with 2yr left on his deal.

Apologies for the long post but I thought for a long time Milf was on target to be a very good playmaker for us and definitely had the skillset to be our primary playmaker for a very long time, however a number of sliding doors moment appears to have completely derailed what could've been a great career.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
I think Milford was exceptional in 2016 until the origin teams were named and he missed out.

Prior to that Milford was every bit a star playmaker and was completely owning the team .... I would love to see some replays of those early games to make sure I'm not fantasizing about something that didn't exist.

I feel after the origin snub he fell off a cliff. Either a loss of confidence or just flat out sulking. He ended up doing his shoulder and finishing the year in the rehab group.

From there I believe Bhunt signed his dragons deal in early 2017 and to me i felt that Bennett looked to pivot and effectively make Milford his halfback.

I felt this was actually paying off at times throughout 2017 and thought 2016 Milf was actually showing signs of a guy that could be the halfback and lead playmaker moving forward. However I think throughout 2017 there was too much distraction around Bhunt and perhaps a lack of planning for who was going to be Milf's halves partner from that point on.

- Bhunt got dropped and then moved to hooker and then back to halfback (I think??).
- Broncos signed Bird... however this seemed odd as he didn't seem to be an answer for a Milf halves pairing
- Broncos chased hard for Taylor only to miss out due to a million dollar bid from titans
- Bennett then pivoted and proclaimed that Knik would be the halfback next year and that was the end of it

Milf did his shoulder again and finished the year in rehab.... again this was a big sliding doors moment as Milf missed an entire off season to effectively transition to being a halfback.

2018 rolled around and the halves pairing was Milford and Knik.... I think a mistake may have been made here only because it looked like Knik was given the halfback responsibilities. That may sound tongue in cheek, but I feel that Bennett really could've doubled down and went whole hog on making Milf the halfback.

He had been the prime playmaker since 2016 at that point and Knik always looked a 6 rather than a 7. I think by the end of 2018 Milf was taking ownership again, but there appeared to be confusion around who was in control of the halves and who was the dominant half.

I'd say we probably also committed wholly to the split halves at this point largely limiting Milf to the left side of the field. I recall the middle forward being a pseudo halfback was in full effect across the comp from 2016 onwards.

Throughout 2018 there was massive unrest across the squad with the Bennett / Seibold saga effectively starting from July 2018 onwards. Ultimately we would get up and perform against higher placed teams but fall in a heap against weaker teams... only to be flogged and kicked out of the finals by a poor dragons team in front of 40k at Suncorp.

I'd say for the entirety of Seibold's reign that he never wanted Milf.... I think he wanted Dearden to debut and takeover the 7 jersey halfway through 2019... which is why Knik wanted to move, and he would see how a Milf / Dearden partnership would go.

Dearden came in and got injured right when he was starting to look good (game vs Titans he got injured 8mins in). At that point Knik was gone and we were fucked with no halves depth, eventually finishing with Turps and Boyd in the halves and Milf playing 1, 6 & 7 from fullback.

I'd say Milf lost any sort of faith he had in Seibold throughout that year and it was probably the end of Seibold from that point on, as Boyd looked all but done with Seibold as well. Experience was gone and the remaining senior players had no faith in Seibold.

I thought 2020 we started well... you could see that Seibold got the team up to standard and gave them some tips in defence with tactical penalties (what roosters use inside their own 10m to halt momentum)... but covid hit and the game change where tactical penalties didn't matter anymore. We didn't have the smarts in the team to adapt and que one of the worst NRL performances by a team in the NRL era. I thought despite Milf's try vs rabbits in round 2 that he looked largely disinterested. Seibold brought Croft in to become his 7 and only ever talked about Dearden... effectively Milford had been given the tap by Seibold that he was done at the Broncos with 2yr left on his deal.

Apologies for the long post but I thought for a long time Milf was on target to be a very good playmaker for us and definitely had the skillset to be our primary playmaker for a very long time, however a number of sliding doors moment appears to have completely derailed what could've been a great career.
I think Milford was elite in 2015 through to the moment he did his shoulder in 2017 from memory...


State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
I think Milford was elite in 2015 through to the moment he did his shoulder in 2017 from memory...

His kicking game was elite in 2018.

We are a bit off track atm - like I said in the opening post, by all means bag him out elsewhere, start a **** Milford thread and have at it.

This is just for the good times for those who care to contribute- if you don't, then don't.

2018 - can't remember the game, but he put a kick in from in our own half that looked for all money to go out over the opposition's in goal, but sat up just before the dead ball line. One of the best pressure relieving kicks I've ever seen.

I also remember him dropping Pearce in a tackle, one of cleanest big shots from a smaller bloke you could see. Wish we saw more of that, he is deceptively strong.


State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
I know mate, everyone knows.

There’s not a poster on this forum that hasn’t seen you relentlessly bang on about the 2018 POTY.
I haven’t relentlessly banged on about it, I’ve relentlessly referenced it when people falsely claim he phoned it in as soon as he got his big contract, that’s all 😉

anyway, I know you know I was joking, but I’m sure you do know that

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