Anyone got footage of his big hits ?
From memory, he was a hit and stick kind of guy. He didn't necessarily snap guys in half spectacularly, but when he hit them he stopped them dead.
There is also the problem of overburdening and burning out your younger forwards particularly if you stockpile them on the bench with limited experience on the bench to share the workload and that isn't limited to metre gaining either. Parker and Wallace leaving provides the side with a substantial experience loss(well over 400 games between them) and without some suitable experience to help bridge that gap your going to be demanding a lot more on forwards who are really just starting to make the transition into first grade then you would normally expect. Glenn alone doesn't provide it.
BTW as for Andrew Tessman he wasn't a rep player, his brother Brad was. He was however a valuable contributor during his time at the Broncos despite a cruel injury after being hit by a car.
True re Andrew Tessman, but he was no plodder either. As you mentioned his career was cut short after he was hit by a car, so who knows what he would have become. Him and Dodds not in the same ball park.