Oh I agree, but that’s today’s problem.
I believe we should be acknowledging the crimes of the past and working to a level playing field for everyone rather than making up for the past.
I agree.
The past cannot be changed, we can learn from it, and never repeat the atrocities that occurred.
We can respectfully honor the indigenous people who lost lives, or were stolen from their parents and devote a national day to them so it is never forgotten.
However, i do not believe people should be held accountable today for what occurred in the past, not unless we hold all past aggressors to the same standard.
I am also of the opinion that what happened in Australia's early history, as horrible as it was, was very much the way the world operated at that period in time. It doesnt make it right, but it was how the world worked back then.
As i said in an earlier post, Australia was never, ever going to remain isolated from the world and under the control of any one people.
Who knows what this country would look like had the Spanish landed here first, as history has shown us they tended to completely eradicate the indigenous people of the lands they invaded/conquered.
The spread of mankind was always going to reach Australian shores one way or another, and there are best and worst case scenarios that could have played out, the English colonizing Australia was a brutal and terrible thing, but at the same time, an inevitable thing that i doubt had any peaceful possible outcome, as is the norm when any country invades another.