NRL - 2019 Grand Final

What an embarrassment.................but completely fitting that Cummins derps up the biggest game of the season and sums up the quality of refereeing all year.
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Any shots of Ricky yet?
****. Got to feel for the Raiders. That may be an even more painful way to lose than we did.
How good will it be when Politis isn't around anymore and the rorters sink to modern day Bulldogs levels?
Onya Coops it's been a pleasure and the game is richer for having you.
He and Smith and Slater and Bellamy have destroyed a game that took a century to build. Cronk can **** right the hell off. He’s been nothing short of a cancer in the game for the last ten years.

If the fucker had one ounce of integrity he’d apologise to every fan of the game for the shit that he and the above gentlemen have added to the game, the wrestle, the grapple, the chicken wing, the crusher.....

And then he’d insist on his (and his fellow cheats) records being scrubbed from the record books.

But he won’t because he’s a fucking cheat and unapologetic about it.

Rant over.
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It is going to be one for the ages. He will become his final form.

I must admit, this does excite me. Thing is, he has nothing to lose. **** the fine, the season is over. Fucking rip it up the entire organisation, we won’t take this bullshit any more.

On queue, Politis walks on the field, checking on his investments.
I just had to restrain myself from throwing my remote through the TV when they had Politis on the field for an interview then. Talking to him like he's Don Corleone.
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I must admit, this does excite me. Thing is, he has nothing to lose. **** the fine, the season is over. Fucking rip it up the entire organisation, we won’t take this bullshit any more.

On queue, Politis walks on the field, checking on his investments.
We need a royal commission into everything about the NRL from top to bottom. Salary cap refs penalties or the game will lose its supports base.