If you go back to 1999 17/22 past GFs have involved either Sydney or Melbourne. It's difficult to get excited when the GFs run together. That's why from a neutral POV the Cowboys/Broncos GF was so good because it was two even teams going head to head and you just knew it was going to be close.
Compared that to the other GFs like Rabbits/Bulldogs, Sea Eagles/Warriors, Tigers/Cowboys, Knights/Eels and with the exception of Knights/Eels the result was never in question. Even with Knights/Eels most fans expected it to be a walkover, they just muddled the teams up.
Outside of the Broncos in 2006 I also quite enjoyed.
Roosters vs Panthers in '03... roosters were the team everyone hated with Ricky the coach but Gould lingering in the background... talks of salary sombreros and questionable players like Crocker. Compared to Penrith who were playing an exceptional style of footy and had loveable players like Presto, Wesser, Priddis, Smokin Joe and Tony Pull.
Dogs vs Roosters in '04... this was mainly because a mate of mine was a massive dogs fan so I was watching a fair bit of them and they had players like SBW, Shifty and Price, who I started liking by association... also **** the roosters (see above).
Cows vs Tigers in '05 was not so great as the tigers got ahead and were winning it from a long way out, but at least it was two exciting teams to watch... I believe the prelim games that year were also quite good.
'06 of course, but the game itself probably wasnt all that great given storm were full blown wrestling at that point in time and fuckwit NSWRL commentators were bias to the storm the whole night.
But since '07 it's been storm dominating (illegally at first) and their style of grind it out wrestling footy. The storm's dominance made other teams shift their style of play to try and replicate it, resulting in block plays and slowing the ruck with wrestling.
Now we typically see two teams with the same style of play going against each other and to me it has all become monotonous and boring.
If I'm not invested in a team winning then I'm not all that interested in watching. I think I've only watched one finals game so far this year.
Hell the only thing that has me watching every game every week is supercoach... so when the finals start and supercoach stops I start to lose interest. The fairytales begin and NSWRL story tellers become front and center.
I couldn't care less about about storylines I just want to watch a good game of footy, but the NSWRL seem intent on manufacturing results through questionable refereeing