Exactly- Lynch comes to mind straight away- Suns had 8/13 top picks in the first year and how many are now off playing somewhere else.
Pick 1 - Swallow - still at the Suns
Pick 2 - Bennell - Retired but was at the Suns until being delisted, later picked up by the Dockers
Pick 3 - Day - still at the Suns
Pick 7 - Caddy - Traded to the Tigers in 2017 (after 6 years, pretty decent amount of time at the Suns)
Pick 9 - Prestia - Traded to the Tigers in 2017 (after 6 years, pretty decent amount of time at the Suns)
Pick 10 - Gorringe - Traded to Carlton in 2016 and was then delisted end of that season, so basically a bust
Pick 11 - Lynch - Was captain and traded to the Tigers in 2019 (after 8 years and while the Suns were a basket case)
Pick 13 - Tape - Played at the Suns his whole career until delisted in 2016
Pick 39 - Taylor - Played two years at the Suns and then delisted (not uncommon for a player picked in the 30s)
Pick 49 - Gillbee - Played three years at the Suns and then delisted
So 4 of those 10 went elsewhere, all of whom were after several years. How many first year players at NRL clubs are still there 6 or 7 years later? The draft is not perfect but this is nowhere near as bad as some would like you to believe.