CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 13 Discussion

Just about everything has gone the Broncos way from every call and forward pass to the bounces of the ball but when a team comes with a great approach to shutting down a teams plays you have to counter it. Not good enough from Webster. Impressive from the Broncs and Walters.
Haha the Warriors are getting reamed from Sutton.
If winning the penalty count that much is getting reamed then I'm hoping the boys start bending over every week

First set of the game and Souths get a yardage penalty... what a surprise
Jesus, is anyone at the game? **** all people even on that reverse angle showing the side behind the cameras.
Who can be bothered watching this game
Lonely The Simpsons GIF

Exclusive footage of @JayPee
Haha true shit. Their is someone being a precious little baby. 2nd time in the last 3 weeks I have been banished from a thread. Soft. And they whinge about the Stampede moderators being trigger happy clowns
I change my mind on this game, Horsburgh livening the game up
Haha true shit. Their is someone being a precious little baby. 2nd time in the last 3 weeks I have been banished from a thread. Soft. And they whinge about the Stampede moderators being trigger happy clowns

Simple remedy to that, just stop acting like an idiot in a live game thread and you'll be fine. And yes, the problem is you.
Raiders could do us a huge solid by winning