CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 18 Discussion

Tigers should have sacked their coach at halftime just to try to salvage something in the second
Disappointing 2nd half. Need to be more ruthless than that. 42-0 at half and you only score 30. Things to work on...
Anyone else disappointed they didn't opt for the field goal for the very nice score of 69-0 😅

Poor Tigers fans, makes our 22 point loss in the rain last night more palatable.
Drinkwater: "Felt like a conditioning game preseason".

Douche ASF.
Biggest win in the NRL era, third all-time

What a shitty couple of weeks for the bulldogs in 1935. Fucking brutal
Tesi looked like he was running with concrete boots but good try Bronchos.
Sometimes if there are jobs to get done around the house I'll do it after a try is scored and the conversion is being taken.

I got a lot done in that Cowboys vs Tigers game.