CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 20 Discussion


I heard the commentators thinking it was ok

But am i wrong in thinking

a) you cant lead with your forearm at someones face, thats 10 in the bin all day ?
( there is no b option lol )

cc eagle

Mr Frank White - NZWarriors said:
Nah first contact was the palm and not forceful at all. Watch the replay. He cops a monster flying knee directly to the face. No way he’s coming back on.
Knee did all the damage, if that doesn't happen it's play on


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
They should stand down which ever offical made that send off call. Complete incompetence to not check how sexton actually got injured.

He will be a touchie next week to show their ruthlessness, only for him to be back to being a main ref the following week.

All that after an apology.

Gutless league, easily the worst managed in the country.


Nah first contact was the palm and not forceful at all. Watch the replay. He cops a monster flying knee directly to the face. No way he’s coming back on.
Agree with the knee. Fending in the head maybe but the contact is with the forearm and he tries to follow through with it too. Right call to penalize and bin

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