CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 27 Discussion

WTF was that from the bunker? Raiders player got his foot in the PTB before the Sharks player could roll the ball back?
Oh my gosh, what an awful tackle. That is one of the worst you'll see.
Kris sent for a dangerous tackle. That's 20 minutes the Raiders will a man short.
It doesn't even look any better on replay, that's so bad. Lucky the player isn't dead.
Yeah just watching from live it was a send off
First set and Sharks score after Rapana fails to clean up LOL
that was one of the worst spear tackles I've seen in a long time. in addition to being sent off, he'll face several weeks on the sidelines minimum.

the Raiders should sent the Panthers some flowers or something now.

what are the odds that Ricky complains about the send off
Why aren't Raiders playing wighton at fullback? He's wasted in the centres