NRL bans shoulder charges

No brainer - can't believe people could argue against this. You've been left behind if so.

The world has moved on from the 'she'll be right m8' attitude to head injuries. They are a serious problem. It's no sign of toughness to play on with a concussion - it's idiocy and irresponsibility at the hands of the club.

Let's be honest anyway, a shoulder charge rarely gets anyone flush as it is.
You're confused between arguing against the shoulder charge ban, and what action should be taken to mitigate concussion issues. The latter has little to do with the former, as most concussions are a consequence of unlucky circumstance or poor tackle technique, where the tackler's head hits / is hit accidentally, or the tackler hits the ball carrier too high.

It should be about making sure no player plays concussed or before he has fully recovered from a concussion. That is where the real damage is done!
Dumb move, punish flush head contact far more heavily and reduce interchanges to bring the little guys back in and take the edge off the heavy contact.
No brainer - can't believe people could argue against this. You've been left behind if so.

The world has moved on from the 'she'll be right m8' attitude to head injuries. They are a serious problem. It's no sign of toughness to play on with a concussion - it's idiocy and irresponsibility at the hands of the club.

Let's be honest anyway, a shoulder charge rarely gets anyone flush as it is.

By that idea - we will have to ban players actually running the ball, incase the tackling player gets into the wrong position and gets concussed. We also better stop kicking the ball as a few players in the past have been knocked out and concussed for taking a clean shot to the melon from a driving kick. We might even have to stop tackling all together due to many players have been knocked out from players just sticking their arms out when out of position and hitting the player in the right spot to knock them out.

Personally when they are done right, they are amazing highlights. Also going from the stats on the NRL site, they were rarely done in the amount of tackles completed for the 2012 season and only a small fraction of those actually hit high. So I can't see why with those stats they needed to go this direction.

The simple method should have been, you set the standard for the ban for performing it wrong, 5 weeks for a shoulder charge that makes contact with the head. Because next year we are going to see plenty of tackles where the shoulder will hit first before the arms come around and the wrong decision of it being classed as a shoulder charge is going to be made and frankly I can see it costing teams a win.

Plus head injuries need to be taken better care of. Dean Young should not have played that next week after the Inglis tackle. I am pretty sure in that match a Dragon's player was knocked out and played on for an extra 10 minutes before the trainers finally pulled him off the field. I remember putting up some concussion test benchmark they have to reach before they can train and play but instead of that, it should be a mandatory week or 2 off.
What a joke.

Lets just turn rugby league into force-em-backs since we're all about the preventing situations where someone could possibly get hurt. Newsflash - it's a contact sport. Contact needs to happen. Taking away 50% of every highlight reel, which the nrl even use to promote the game, isn't a good move for the game.

The commission are already showing that they're even worse than what we had before.
Don't get why people are so upset. Shoulder charges are like fireworks. Big, bright, loud, but ultimately useless and when they go wrong they can take your head off
Looking at the stats there have been a handful of shoulder charges that went wrong compared to normal tackles.

plus we won't get to see Sandow's shit attempts at them anymore
Well now Gillett can't uselessly run off the line for a shoulder charge.
What a joke.

Lets just turn rugby league into force-em-backs since we're all about the preventing situations where someone could possibly get hurt. Newsflash - it's a contact sport. Contact needs to happen. Taking away 50% of every highlight reel, which the nrl even use to promote the game, isn't a good move for the game.

The commission are already showing that they're even worse than what we had before.

Shoulder charge tackles are showy cheap shots used by grubs who are too soft to pull off a real big hit ........ good riddance. Maybe some of these "big hitters" will go away and learn how to make a real tackle.
Shoulder charge tackles are showy cheap shots used by grubs who are too soft to pull off a real big hit ........ good riddance. Maybe some of these "big hitters" will go away and learn how to make a real tackle.

Thats absolutely ridiculous... not all shoulder charges are cheap shots and to say people who do use the shoulder charge are too soft to make a proper hit is fucking retarded
I honestly don't think anything will change, contact with the head means suspension anyway and good shots to the body will continue.
Good, Now Gillett won't rush up out of the line to put on a stupid shot that rarely works. maybe he will learn to tackle for real.
Shoulder charge tackles are showy cheap shots used by grubs who are too soft to pull off a real big hit ........ good riddance. Maybe some of these "big hitters" will go away and learn how to make a real tackle.

My thoughts exactly.

Most shoulder charges come from side on, sometimes the blind side of the player...absolutely gutless.
For years people whinge that the NRL was reactive, now Web have a proactive decision and people whinge more.

Make up your fucking mind guys.