NRL Crackdown on Punching

I'm pretty sure if a player went absolutely berko they'd not just get 10 they'd get sent off and cop a big suspension, so there is still a disincentive for going nuts.

Okay so the rule that we previously had in place is the reason they won't go "berko"???

The bit being forgotten or overlooked in all this is the fact (in most incidence) the punch is a reaction, the player just snaps...he's not thinking about suspensions or being sent off...why exactly is he now gonna think about the 10 in the bin?

I don't believe the very few fights we see in the game now days are premeditated...and now when it does happen and the player snaps and lashes out...all the incentive is to keep swinging.
Not arguing your point, but didn't Petero get sent to the bin against the Tigers (I think) back in 2007 for throwing some?

Got a standing ovation as he walked off. No one had ever seen Petero so angry! It was the best. :rockon:
I've been trying to find a video of that, but I have failed so far... :glare:
Not arguing your point, but didn't Petero get sent to the bin against the Tigers (I think) back in 2007 for throwing some?

Got a standing ovation as he walked off. No one had ever seen Petero so angry! It was the best. :rockon:

I remember this. Myself and Scott were at the match. It was so fucking bad ass.
Okay so the rule that we previously had in place is the reason they won't go "berko"???

The bit being forgotten or overlooked in all this is the fact (in most incidence) the punch is a reaction, the player just snaps...he's not thinking about suspensions or being sent off...why exactly is he now gonna think about the 10 in the bin?

I don't believe the very few fights we see in the game now days are premeditated...and now when it does happen and the player snaps and lashes out...all the incentive is to keep swinging.

Player "reacts" (like the braindead neanderthal thug he is). Gets binned. Team loses. Teammates are filthy at him.

He might think next time.

Ultimately it's about taking the grey area out of it. Whatever the provocation there's no excuse to throw a punch on a sporting field.
So under the new rules, if Nate Myles had reacted to the flurry of punches he received from Gallen, he would get 10 in the bin, as would Gallen? This is where this blanket all, no exceptions rule falls into complete dumbass, ridiculous, our referee's are hopeless so fix the grey area ,knee jerk response realm.
So under the new rules, if Nate Myles had reacted to the flurry of punches he received from Gallen, he would get 10 in the bin, as would Gallen? This is where this blanket all, no exceptions rule falls into complete dumbass, ridiculous, our referee's are hopeless so fix the grey area ,knee jerk response realm.

Why are you confused? Yes, he would go. Self defence may work in a court of law, not on the footy field anymore. You hit back, you get binned. Let the officials deal with it.
Why are you confused? Yes, he would go. Self defence may work in a court of law, not on the footy field anymore. You hit back, you get binned. Let the officials deal with it.

I'm not confused, I get it. I certainly don't like it but as you say "let the officials deal with it" ohhh right coz if the officials did deal with it in the first place, we wouldn't need the cover everything blanket rule. I have no problem if the instigator gets 10 or even if the third man in gets 10, but if a player throws one, under any circumstances he should expect to get one back and that is the fault in this new rule.
I'm not confused, I get it. I certainly don't like it but as you say "let the officials deal with it" ohhh right coz if the officials did deal with it in the first place, we wouldn't need the cover everything blanket rule. I have no problem if the instigator gets 10 or even if the third man in gets 10, but if a player throws one, under any circumstances he should expect to get one back and that is the fault in this new rule.

In real life, you would still get in trouble for defending yourself. Sure, you would be let off in court, but this is no different.

It's not ok to resort to violence. The sooner these thug players realise that, the sooner our game can be respected. The bigger man walks away.
Respected by who? I believe out game is respected, ppl respect how hard and tough RL is.

At the end of the day I find it ridiculous that we have to have a rule brought in, which means our referees don't have to make a call. Especially when the said rule could leave us with multiple players sitting on the sideline. Just imagine a fiery game could have 4, 5, 6 players or more all sin binned...then we will all howl at how the game was ruined. I have no problem with players being sin binned for foul play, but that should be used by the referee's discretion not with a blanket rule.
Player "reacts" (like the braindead neanderthal thug he is). Gets binned. Team loses. Teammates are filthy at him.

He might think next time.

Ultimately it's about taking the grey area out of it. Whatever the provocation there's no excuse to throw a punch on a sporting field.
So if someone throws a punch, no matter what the circumstances are or what drove them to that point they're automatically a braindead neanderthal thug??
What if, hypothetically speaking, every single person on the field threw a punch in an all in brawl, would the clock tick for 10 minutes with no one on the field? :laugh:
So if someone throws a punch, no matter what the circumstances are or what drove them to that point they're automatically a braindead neanderthal thug??

Yep. 100%. There's never an excuse to throw a punch. Ever.
Yeah, well that is absolutely ridiculous.

I'm 35 years old, played league, aussie rules, been clubbing, travelled, was bullied and threatened at school...I've never thrown a punch.

It can be done.
I'm 35 years old, played league, aussie rules, been clubbing, travelled, was bullied and threatened at school...I've never thrown a punch.

It can be done.
I'm not saying it can't, my problem is with you calling anyone who throws a punch a braindead neanderthal thug. People snap, make wrong decisions and do stuff they normally wouldn't when they are pushed to do so.