NRL Draft, Would you support one?



It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008

You think players care which club signs them?

"Oh sorry Newcastle but I'm a huge Brisbane fan so I'm not going to sign with you in the hope that Brisbane signs me even though they have shown no interest in me whatsoever"

Trust me, players who are serious about a career would play for anyone who is willing to sign them. From there, whoever has the most appeal gets their signature.

Ah your name is appropriate because surely you jest :)

You think players don't care who they play for?

Clearly some do

Locky would not have been a Bronco for life if he did not

you would be correct to say some players do not care

The draft system further entrenches the mindset of not caring, and that should be avoided


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
"Oh sorry Newcastle but I'm a huge Brisbane fan so I'm not going to sign with you in the hope that Brisbane signs me even though they have shown no interest in me whatsoever"

Meanwhile, do not accuse me of saying something that I did not say, please

Nowhere did I say that a player would refuse a contract offer at 1 club on the hope of a contract at his favourite club even though they have never shown an interest

That is a ridiculous notion, and nobody would do that

Can you please show me where I suggested this?
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
Ah your name is appropriate because surely you jest :)

You think players don't care who they play for?

Clearly some do

Locky would not have been a Bronco for life if he did not

you would be correct to say some players do not care

The draft system further entrenches the mindset of not caring, and that should be avoided

That's all well and good to say, but although us fanboys live and breath our club, it is a player's profession. I'm sure if Lockyer had of been offered a big contract very early in his career and the Broncos couldn't guarantee a future for him I'm sure he would have taken it.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Ah your name is appropriate because surely you jest :)

You think players don't care who they play for?

Clearly some do

Locky would not have been a Bronco for life if he did not

you would be correct to say some players do not care

The draft system further entrenches the mindset of not caring, and that should be avoided

Order of things most players coming through the ranks would care about:
a) opportunity to play
b) money
c) how good the club is winning wise
d) facilities/staff

Playing for the club they grow up loving doesn't come into the equation, unless the kid is a simpleton.

If Lockyer had signed to another club at a young age, he might have stayed at that club for life. He would've grown to love the club as he became a bigger component of the club.

How exactly does the draft system entrench a mindset of not caring?

Beggars can't be choosers, I'm sure in most cases young players would go to whichever club offered them the greatest opportunities etc., and as they played more for the club they would grow to love it as it becomes a bigger part of their life. Obviously this isn't always the case as players move clubs every couple years and stuff, but your notion that a player should love the club is ridiculous. Fact of the matter is, this is their profession and it's an employers market - if you don't wanna play for club x because you don't love it and you had posters of another team on your wall then catch you later, we'll get someone else.

Meanwhile, do not accuse me of saying something that I did not say, please

Nowhere did I say that a player would refuse a contract offer at 1 club on the hope of a contract at his favourite club even though they have never shown an interest

That is a ridiculous notion, and nobody would do that

Can you please show me where I suggested this?

Rookies coming through get forced to play for who picks them instead of having a shot at playing for the club they love?

Players don't always have a shot at playing for the club they love - in fact I promise you most players do not give a **** if their favourite club doesn't give them an offer. Rugby league is a business and the sooner you realize that the sooner you will realize you have no idea what your are talking about when it comes to player contracts.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
The draft wouldn't work for the Broncos.

Griffin would say we don't need anyone, as he is happy with what he's got.


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
Obviously this isn't always the case as players move clubs every couple years and stuff, but your notion that a player should love the club is ridiculous.

I simply said that I would prefer a player that loved the club over someone who came just for the money

How is that ridiculous?

Fact of the matter is, this is their profession and it's an employers market - if you don't wanna play for club x because you don't love it and you had posters of another team on your wall then catch you later, we'll get someone else.

Players don't always have a shot at playing for the club they love - in fact I promise you most players do not give a **** if their favourite club doesn't give them an offer. Rugby league is a business and the sooner you realize that the sooner you will realize you have no idea what your are talking about when it comes to player contracts.

Ok, I will try to make my point as carefully as possible, as communication on message boards is easily misinterpreted

I have been guilty of this before!

So, scenario 1: I grow up loving the Broncos, and it is my dream to play for them one day. As a talented rookie in a system without a draft, I find myself with offers from several clubs, including the Broncos. As long as the offer is relatively competetive, I will take the Bronco offer.

Scenario 2: I grow up loving the Broncos, and it is my dream to play for them one day. As a talented rookie in a system without a draft, I find myself with offers from several clubs, but the Broncos are not one of them. I take an offer from a different club - I do not sit at home and hope the Broncos change their minds.

Scenario 3: I grow up loving the Broncos, and it is my dream to play for them one day. As a talented rookie in a draft system, despite interest from the Broncos and despite that I would much rather play for them than anyone else, I am forced to play for Parra as they had the first draft pick.

I don't like scenario 3

I am entitled to not like scenario 3

It is OK for me to have this opinion, and to object to the idea of a draft on this basis

It is OK for someone to have a different opinion, and therefore disagree with me

It is NOT OK for that person to claim that I have no idea what I'm talking about

This is the prevailing mentality on this board - "If you disagree with me, you're clueless"

What's so difficult about understanding that people have different opinions of things?
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NRL Player
Apr 14, 2009
I can't see a draft working in the NRL. Our grass roots and semi professional levels are no-one near big enough or supported enough as some major sporting codes that do use a draft system to really work the same.

Many teams invest in scouted junior talent extremely early in their career (even early as high school) and many fall through the cracks due to the small amount of players talented enough to make it in first grade. So a draft system is really more of a hinderous than a help. Just have a look at the fraction of talent who has come through the NYC system into NRL and so many talented players that dominated but couldn't step up beyond that.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
Draft is a horrible idea. Only works in the US because of the NCAA


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Isn't the draft a restaint of trade.

Can you imagine the uproar if we had a draft years ago & a young Darren Lockyer was drafted to the Roosters. :scared:

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