Urgent!!!!! Need pics of Watmough and Matai post game sooking
"There's gotta be an investigation"
"Somebody has to be accountable"
I thought the penalty-try was a fair call as Aubusson intentionally held Lyon back and Lyon most likely would've dived on the ball and scored.
How did that massive hole open up?
George Rose moved.
Friend is probably the 3rd best hooker these days, very slightly behind Farah. Meanwhile the best NSW have coming through is....Rein?
I wasn't a fan of the penalty try decision tbh. Awarding a penalty try should be seen as a last resort and I thought there was far too much doubt to award it. On the other hand, I'm unsure if the alternative would have worked out for the Roosters.
Forward pass from Maloney to Mini was the most influential call of the night.
That's not a penalty try, it's a 8 point try. That's awarded if a penalty is committed on the try scorer at the time he scores, or immediately after.
A penalty try is awarded if a try hasn't actually been scored, but the referee is confident it would have been the case, were it not for a penalty committed by the defending team. Those do not get an extra conversion attempt.