NRL Players and family members in hot water

it makes you wonder why someone would study for 10+ years and throw it all away by writing someone elses name on a bottle.

shit man, you're a dr, not a labourer, you can say no to your employer and find another job pretty easily elsewhere...
it makes you wonder why someone would study for 10+ years and throw it all away by writing someone elses name on a bottle.

shit man, you're a dr, not a labourer, you can say no to your employer and find another job pretty easily elsewhere...

Just because people are smart or educated doesn’t mean they aren’t corrupt or have a fucked moral compass.
Pretty disgusting the average social media response claiming this is a conspiracy or that they held onto this info until the finals for maximum exposure. Just **** off and stop protecting ***** because they are good at football.

Can I just say, I love your new avatar, brings a happy tear to my eye.
Can someone please PM a copy paste of the new story body or how to circumvent the paywall ?
I'm wondering if it will even get a mention on 360 and what not given Sam is one of the boys.

I'm guessing it will be swept under the rug and given zero air time on fox sports, unless they intend to come out and defend Sam and deny deny deny

#PrideOfTheLeague and all that.
The only journos I could see talking about it are Lara or Crawley.
What's with dudes who flip out and kick the Mrs around, or worse.

Can't see them keeping him on as a coach, even if it pans out that these allegations are exaggerated (or even possibly false). Might get complicated since his brother is still on the team.

All this right in time for finals, too. RIP bunnies?

This is where I found it mate. Shouldn’t circumvent any of our forum rules.

thanks mate. Stopped reading half way through. What a sad human.
I was thinking along the lines of Crawley will be spinning it that Wayne wasn’t involved - 2018, before Wayne was at south’s.

although his only charge (so far) came in 2019
Pretty disgusting the average social media response claiming this is a conspiracy or that they held onto this info until the finals for maximum exposure. Just **** off and stop protecting ***** because they are good at football.

I'm thinking the timing isn't coincidental, defs done for maximum impact, due to hardball divorce in progress. Not to say the heat is undeserved or the accusations false. Maybe he shoulda recognized his vulnerability as a public figure and realized he was checkmated, and given in to the demands. (Assuming the accusations are true).

An entertaining shit-grenade has been set loose and may splatter far and wide across the bunnies, with individual chunks to spatter as far as on the expensive shoes of Mr Crowe. O the drama!