NRL Players and family members in hot water

If you were pretending would you not say that straight away, wouldn't you say it was sherbet and sorry we were silly- show the packets of sherbet.

Well, normal people probably would. Them saying nothing makes it look worse, but i guess if they came out and said it was icing sugar nobody would believe them anyway. Only way they can clear their names is to prove it by getting tested.
Whether you agree or not it’s a shocking look for a game who’s desperate for youth growth! 2 games would be a joke and probably just reaffirm what some parents who’re sitting on the fence if their kid should play or not just gave them the push they needed for it to not happen.

nrl best be carful here.

Do what you want in your private time as long as it doesn’t give you an illegal advantage. But if you get filmed and splattered all over the internet then you weren’t smart enough and deserve to get a lengthy suspension.
I understand your point here but in my opinion it has zero impact on the public at large. A couple of sportspeople( substitute actors, musicians here if you like) doing a few lines is utterly mundane, commonplace and I just don't think anyone would be surprised or even 'bat an eyelid'. It really is so trivial and has happened so any times before yet none of it has genuinely hurt the game.

Systemic cheating and rampant steroid/ped offences has had a far greater impact yet even those two barely make an impression, in my opinion. I think it much ado about nothing.
I understand your point here but in my opinion it has zero impact on the public at large. A couple of sportspeople( substitute actors, musicians here if you like) doing a few lines is utterly mundane, commonplace and I just don't think anyone would be surprised or even 'bat an eyelid'. It really is so trivial and has happened so any times before yet none of it has genuinely hurt the game.

Systemic cheating and rampant steroid/ped offences has had a far greater impact yet even those two barely make an impression, in my opinion. I think it much ado about nothing.

I think many people would probably agree with you but in relation to the point at hand, an organisation that is as public facing as the NRL, who themselves have admitted concerns attracting kids due to the brutality of the game, hence head high crackdown (yes, yes I know all about the 'legitimacy' of this), if they don't take a stance, they run the risk of parents looking at them and going nope, they condone all sorts of this kind of behaviour, I don't want my kids around it.

Regardless of how individuals perceive it, the NRL has to do something about it, even if it is the usual weak slap on the wrist and a backdated holiday.
I understand your point here but in my opinion it has zero impact on the public at large. A couple of sportspeople( substitute actors, musicians here if you like) doing a few lines is utterly mundane, commonplace and I just don't think anyone would be surprised or even 'bat an eyelid'. It really is so trivial and has happened so any times before yet none of it has genuinely hurt the game.

Systemic cheating and rampant steroid/ped offences has had a far greater impact yet even those two barely make an impression, in my opinion. I think it much ado about nothing.
I like to look at it from a context point of view, you get a two week suspension for accidentally hitting someone high in a tackle. So the suspension has got to be at least double that. Thoughts?
Its not a good look, but at the same time, it could be just them being complete tools prepending to be sniffing a few lines, or it could actually them taking illegal drugs. I just dont think you can come down with huge fines and bans based on supposition. I think the biggest fine they can throw at them should be punishment enough.

For me, i think we do probably need a more clear cut system of dealing with player discipline. I've never thought there has been a great deal of consistency in some of the punishments. Maybe there is something like that out there from the NRL, i dont know tbh.
I don’t think you addressed my point. The damage to the games public image is the same regardless of their intentions or whether it was actually coke or not. The onus should’ve been on the players to immediately subject themselves to drug tests to rectify that image issue or face the consequences. As 1910 said, Pearce wasn’t actually having sex with a dog either, nor do I think he was doing anything but being silly and look how he was handled (probably too harshly to be honest).

Munster and Smith have been pushing the boundaries regarding glamourising binge drinking and subtle hints at drug use for a while now anyway and the game probably should’ve pulled them up earlier. I’m surprised the storm hadn’t already.
I like to look at it from a context point of view, you get a two week suspension for accidentally hitting someone high in a tackle. So the suspension has got to be at least double that. Thoughts?

I guess you probably have to keep separate in game suspensions from off field issues. For a lot of these players, its going to hurt missing a few games, but they still get paid. Its going to hurt a hell of a lot more if you hit them in the pocket with huge fines.
I guess you probably have to keep separate in game suspensions from off field issues. For a lot of these players, its going to hurt missing a few games, but they still get paid. Its going to hurt a hell of a lot more if you hit them in the pocket with huge fines.
I’m cool with a massive fine system but they need to have things in place to make sure it’s not being paid through other channels.
I guess you probably have to keep separate in game suspensions from off field issues. For a lot of these players, its going to hurt missing a few games, but they still get paid. Its going to hurt a hell of a lot more if you hit them in the pocket with huge fines.
While I mostly agree, fines don’t result in the same pressure from team mates for missing games, nor does it put more responsibility on the clubs to prevent it internally as the club has a duty to promote a positive culture and educate players and fines won’t hurt the club.

I would actually swing the other way and have less suspensions for in game incidents and use suspensions more for off field incidents.
I don’t think you addressed my point. The damage to the games public image is the same regardless of their intentions or whether it was actually coke or not. The onus should’ve been on the players to immediately subject themselves to drug tests to rectify that image issue or face the consequences. As 1910 said, Pearce wasn’t actually having sex with a dog either, nor do I think he was doing anything but being silly and look how he was handled (probably too harshly to be honest).

Munster and Smith have been pushing the boundaries regarding glamourising binge drinking and subtle hints at drug use for a while now anyway and the game probably should’ve pulled them up earlier. I’m surprised the storm hadn’t already.

I agree with you, they have damaged the games image, but i do also think there are plenty of other things in the game as well that have already put its image under scrutiny. This is a bad incident, but i feel the NRL are very selective about what they think needs cleaning up and what doesnt. From a personal point of view, i think its a poor look for the game when Penrith do the kind of arrogant rubbish they did with Canberra when they started that all in brawl. The way Latrell carries on and acts like a grub is a bad look. There are just heaps of things i think the NRL could clean up and it depends on what areas you want to clean up. I'm not saying those things are mentioned i think are any worse, just using them as examples of things i personally think need cleaning up

Like i said before though, i think its something the Storm should be dealing with strongly, not the NRL. They are his employers and what they do is a massive reflection of them. I know people will again call me a Payne Haas hater for saying this, but his police intimidation incident earlier this year should have lead to us standing him down for more than 4 games and fining him more than $50k. I'd have no dramas if the Storm came down hard on these players because i just think they should lead the way.
While I mostly agree, fines don’t result in the same pressure from team mates for missing games, nor does it put more responsibility on the clubs to prevent it internally as the club has a duty to promote a positive culture and educate players and fines won’t hurt the club.

I would actually swing the other way and have less suspensions for in game incidents and use suspensions more for off field incidents.

Kind of agree about the suspensions, but i do still think players would think twice if they were going to get serious financial penalties, and they would have to be serious. Not sure what the right combination would be. Hitting a player with a massive financial hit is going to effect their families so it may make them think twice.

And i really should clarify, i'm not against them being stood down, and probably being stood down without pay as long as its the club doing it. If the clubs set the standards rather than the NRL i dont think you would see as much dramas. What i think the NRL need to do is back the clubs if they want to sack players for serious incidents and not re register them with other clubs as quickly as some do.
I like to look at it from a context point of view, you get a two week suspension for accidentally hitting someone high in a tackle. So the suspension has got to be at least double that. Thoughts?
Oh, absolutely. We need top to bottom independent analysis of all the 'crimes' committed within the rugby league world and a good hard and honest look at the findings. I would, in my perfect world run another (different company)concurrent analysis with the exact same guidelines on the same subject.

Truthfully I'd want both because I simply couldn't build a set of regulations and penalties based on a single examination.

My structure would have established penalties for all the familiar offences and baseline penalties for rarer offences that we have already experienced( systemic cheating, peds etc, gambling frauds )

It would also be able to apply a framework for procedure in 'new to the NRL' crimes because we'd need provision for the innovative ways people can **** up. Future crimes as it were.

Back on the photo's and shenanigans I'd say apply the TPJ standard, 6 weeks suspension and a hefty fine paid by the players AND their club.
Kind of agree about the suspensions, but i do still think players would think twice if they were going to get serious financial penalties, and they would have to be serious. Not sure what the right combination would be. Hitting a player with a massive financial hit is going to effect their families so it may make them think twice.

And i really should clarify, i'm not against them being stood down, and probably being stood down without pay as long as its the club doing it. If the clubs set the standards rather than the NRL i dont think you would see as much dramas. What i think the NRL need to do is back the clubs if they want to sack players for serious incidents and not re register them with other clubs as quickly as some do.
I also want to be clear that I’m not judging the players. I’m not even suggesting they did anything that I haven’t, but I am fairly certain if a video of me doing something like this became available to all the external stakeholders at my company I would not get away with saying “you can’t prove what it was I was snorting”
I also want to be clear that I’m not judging the players. I’m not even suggesting they did anything that I haven’t, but I am fairly certain if a video of me doing something like this became available to all the external stakeholders at my company I would not get away with saying “you can’t prove what it was I was snorting”

I would, lol. They could reprimand me but i doubt they could do much more than give me written warning. Problem is they can drug test me as a condition of my employment so i'd be screwed!

As much as i dont disagree with a lot of whats said here, i'm just not convinced the NRL can come down as hard on them as they should as they just dont have enough evidence to back it up. I think they are limited with the evidence they have, its all visual.
I would, lol. They could reprimand me but i doubt they could do much more than give me written warning. Problem is they can drug test me as a condition of my employment so i'd be screwed!

As much as i dont disagree with a lot of whats said here, i'm just not convinced the NRL can come down as hard on them as they should as they just dont have enough evidence to back it up. I think they are limited with the evidence they have, its all visual.
I get what your saying but I just think the visuals alone do enough damage to justify it regardless of hard proof. I also suspect that the NRL would have more legal ground to stand on to suspend players than they would to take money from them
I get what your saying but I just think the visuals alone do enough damage to justify it regardless of hard proof. I also suspect that the NRL would have more legal ground to stand on to suspend players than they would to take money from them

They probably do, think they have a maximum fine amount iirc. Its exactly why i think there should be more pressure on the clubs to deal with these players, especially the repeat offenders.
Is this the Storm’s toilet scandal or beginning of the end like the Hunt, Thaiday and Boyd one kind of was for us. I know we still had success but we were no longer the force we used to be after that (also not saying that is what started it, more just perhaps a notable time marker)?
Its not a good look, but at the same time, it could be just them being complete tools prepending to be sniffing a few lines, or it could actually them taking illegal drugs.
Careful mate....I think I lust heard that limb you've climbed out onto, crack. 🙃

You can't use, "I was only pretending to do something illegal" as an excuse to get away with it.
"I was only pretending to rob that bank officer.......I was on my way to give the money back, when you arrested me....." :kimlo:

The best way to hurt these dumb ***** is for them to lose game time. Player suspensions hurts the player, the coach ...the club...everyone who has a stake in the outcome of a game. Maybe the clubs might start to take a little responsibility for their employees.

What I find that they (players) do this shit, whilst someone is filming them.

"Oh...they didn't know they were being filmed"........ you say
...... then what are they doing ....doing illegal stuff, in a room full of people they don't know??

Even a borderline recluse like myself......who has no fear of being plastered all over social media doing the "bubbler" (for example)......would still be mindful of just who was watching my illegal activities.

I just don't get it......

Steve Harvey Reaction GIF
Careful mate....I think I lust heard that limb you've climbed out onto, crack. 🙃

You can't use, "I was only pretending to do something illegal" as an excuse to get away with it.
"I was only pretending to rob that bank officer.......I was on my way to give the money back, when you arrested me....." :kimlo:

The best way to hurt these dumb ***** is for them to lose game time. Player suspensions hurts the player, the coach ...the club...everyone who has a stake in the outcome of a game. Maybe the clubs might start to take a little responsibility for their employees.

What I find that they (players) do this shit, whilst someone is filming them.

"Oh...they didn't know they were being filmed"........ you say
...... then what are they doing ....doing illegal stuff, in a room full of people they don't know??

Even a borderline recluse like myself......who has no fear of being plastered all over social media doing the "bubbler" (for example)......would still be mindful of just who was watching my illegal activities.

I just don't get it......

Steve Harvey Reaction GIF

I dont disagree with what you are saying, but you also cant prosecute somebody without any solid evidence either. All we have is a bunch of dickheads in a room. I really dont get why people are so set on filming themselves all the time.

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